Chapter 7: Just a little bike ride

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Bradley's Pov: April 29th, 2016

I had just gotten off of the plane at Los Angeles International Airport. I could have easily taken my private jet here but I wanted to take my time just so I didn't rush myself or her. It was at 5 pm. I needed to pick up Stef. So I picked up the phone and called her. She picked up the phone on the first ring. Wow. So fast.

"Oh hey B! Are you ready for dinner?" You could tell in her voice that she was smiling.

"Hey, beaut- I mean Stef," I said shyly I needed to take things slow. She still was engaged after all. "I'm on my way actually. I'm at the airport. Around 45 minutes and I'll be to you."

"Sounds good to me. I'll let my security know you're coming so they can buzz you in through the gate."

"Okay see you soon." I hung up the phone and instantly started smiling. I don't know what she's done to me but this woman has instantly become my world and I've not even known her a month.

Stefani's Pov:

"What to wear, what to wear." I thought to myself as Bradley was on his way here and with only 45 minutes to get dressed. I barely had enough time for anything.

"Ya know what. I'm gonna test time. Maybe if I go for the more neutral side of things and him not do anything tonight because of that then I can go back to loving Taylor. This will prove it was just a one-time thing....nothing more...even though I want it to be more. Wait what did I just say?" I said out loud....thankfully Taylor had already left to record a scene of Chicago Fire.

I then put on a simple pair of jeans, a black t-shirt, black ankle boots, and very very little makeup. All I did was my mascara and eyebrows. I didn't have Sarah come over to do my makeup since it was so little and in such a small amount of time.

I heard three knocks at the door. I knew it was him...Bradley....B.

I opened the front door and instantly gave him a hug. It felt like it lasted a lifetime and I never wanted it to stop. Once I lifted my face from his chest, I wrapped my arms around his neck, and our faces were so close. They were almost touching...aching for a kiss.

Bradley was dressed in a leather jacket which I oddly seemed to love.

"Where are you taking me?" I whispered to him with a smile.

He then wrapped his arms tighter around my waist and said, "An amazing Italian restaurant in town. It looks divine." He said while constantly staring into my eyes. He then pushed a piece of my hair back from my face to behind my ear and then slowly came closer to my face.

I then looked behind Bradley to act distracted and that's when I saw....the bike. I'm terrified of anything without doors around it and a seatbelt.

"BRADLEY WHAT IS THAT?" I slightly screamed into his ear.

"Oh, that's my bike." He started walking over to the bike, "I rented it. I also bought you a helmet and this little leather jacket like mine. I thought we could look quirky together." he said while picking them both up and handing them to me.

"Oh no. No-no-no. There's no way in hell that I'm getting on that bike with you."

He looked at me with the most confused look, "How come? It's very comfortable and safe. I promise."

"I...I...I don't know. I don't really like cars without doors B." I said literally shaking.

"I promised that you were safe and I meant it. Nothing will happen to you babygirl. I pinky promise." He then stuck out his pinky to me. It was the cutest and most wholesome thing in the world.

I then stuck my pinky out and wrapped his around mine. "Then it's a promise." I said while taking the helmet and jacket from him. I stuck the helmet on my head while he helped me put my arms through the jacket. It fit just right. I loved it. Get got on the bike, started it up, and I soon hopped on the back. I wrapped my arms around Bradley so tight. I didn't want to hurt him but I didn't want to did while on this bike either. A few seconds after I got on, we were headed to the restaurant. Good thing it was only 15 minutes from my house. I don't know how I'd manage if it was any longer.

He hopped onto the bike and I slowly followed after him. I hugged his back so hard once I got on that bike. I was gripping for my damn life...and all that Bradley could do was give a slight laugh. Man, I hated that man sometimes but then again how could you hate someone so perfect? Oh my God Stefani shut up! You love Taylor. Remember that.


While we were on the bike, Bradley took on of his hands off of the handlebars, brought it to my boot, and rubbed the side of it. This made me feel so safe. I then loosened my grip on him. Why couldn't Taylor ever make me feel this safe? I literally have not known Bradley a month and he has already turned my world upside down and right side up again.


Once we arrived at the restaurant there were already many many photographers waiting for us to arrive. How they knew I'd come here, I have no idea, but they always seem to know my every move.

Once we got off of the bike before heading inside I turned to Bradley.

"B we don't have to do this if you don't want to. I understand that they will take pictures of us together, then people will start to assume things, and you have a girl-" he stopped me from my tiny panic attack mid-sentence.

"Look at me," he said while pulling me close and wrapping his hands around my waist. "I'm staying right here with you and we are going to go inside and enjoy our meal. Do you hear me? It's all okay. Let them spread rumors. Let them. It's just a rumor hun. Everything will be fine. I promise." There he went promising things again. That just made ms want him more.

He put his hand on head and pushed my hair back. "Now c'mon. I'm hungry." He said with a laugh. We then started to head inside and I lead the way.


Once we go inside the restaurant we were in a quiet section away from the doors and windows, order food, talked about our lives, laughed, and then talked about the movie. I loved his little laugh.

After about an hour we got up paid got our meal, left a tip, and started to head our way back outside to the photographers. This time Bradley left with a big smile on his face. He looked genuinely happy.

Once we got on the bike he helped me put on my helmet and still didn't break his smile. Oh, how he had such a wonderful and dreamy smile...a smile that I wish was buried inside of me right now.


When we headed down the road again, he reached down to rub my boot once again. I loved that so much and he apparently knew I did too. Once he did that I scooted my crouch closer too him on the bike and he let out a little moan. I couldn't hear it due to the helmet on my head but I could feel the vibrations through his body as he said. I swear this man will be the death of me.


Once we git to my house I hopped off of the bike and sat my helmet on the bike as Bradley did with his and then headed to my front door. Before I could open the door itself Bradley stopped me. He put his hands on my waist and I put my hands on his chest and we stared into each other's eyes while smiling.

"Is it okay if I stay here tonight? It's kind of cold our here but if you're not okay with me staying I completely understand. I can always just grab a hotel room or head to my house in LA which is a little far, but I could still-" I cut him off by putting my finger go his mouth and saying, "Shhh." Taylor was nowhere near my thoughts at that moment...just him...just Bradley.

I then took his hand and he followed right behind me inside.

Bradley's Pov:

"I wonder when the best time to tell her about Irina would be." I thought to myself while she held my hand and guided it inside while moving that fine ass back and forth as she walked.

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