Chapter 2: The Beginning

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Bradley's Pov: April 13th, 2016

I was home getting ready to attend the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy at Sean Parker’s Los Angeles house. Sean and I have been life long friends. I had intentions on talent scouting while I was there. I needed someone to fit the role of the main female character for a new movie I planned on directing and starting in.

"Irina are you ready yet?" I yelled while I was putting on my shoes and she was still in the bathroom. There was a short moment of silence. I very well knew that she could hear me. "Irina?!" I yelled once more. After I didn't hear anything for about 1 minute after I had yelled the second time, I went to check on her. I moved the bathroom door handle and it of course was unlocked. Irina was standing infront of the bathroom mirror putting in her earrings. "Hunny are you ready yet? We're going to be late. Oh and did I mention how beautiful you look? I love that dress on you." I said with a smirk. I didn't really love Irina. Let's be honest here. "Yeah I'm ready." she said while shoving me out of the way. "By the way, I know I look beautiful. You don't have to remind me and as for you....well you look like you need a few more touch ups." She said to me while rolling her eyes. She obviously didn't love me either. We all very well knew that she was just here for my dick. I'm her dog I guess and she's my owner.

I opened the front door for her and then her car door. I started up the engine and began our oddly quiet ride to Sean's house.

Once we pulled in there was so many cars and people everywhere and I could hear some faint singing in the distance. Irina ofc was already on her own path and completely and utterly ignoring me so I went on my own way. I headed inside to see if I could talk to Sean. I searched for about 3ish minuets  and then gave up because the voice of whoever was singing was so mesmerizing. I had to see the face of the woman.

I finally made it to where the singing was taking place and once I looked up at who it was......I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Just wow. She was The song that got me literally stuck in a trance was called "La Vie en Rose". So beautiful.

Once the song was over I rushed to her as she was getting off of the stage. I couldn't help myself. I just knew that she would be perfect for the role of Ally. 

"Miss! Miss!" I yelled while attempting to wave her down. She turned around and saw that I trying to get her attention and said "Yes?" I then said in response, "Hi. My name is Bradley Cooper and you are?" "My name is Lady Gaga." She then took my hand and shook it, but I didn't let it last long. I took her hand slowly to my face and kissed it. "Are you Italian?" She randomly asked me. "Uh yes actually. Why do you ask?" I said in a confusing manor. "Don't worry about it, but anyway what was it that you needed? I need to hurry up and get going. I have some business to take care of at my home." (She loves Italian men) "I just wanted to ask you if you'd like to star in a movie? I'll be the director and also staring in it myself." I said trying to collect myself since I could barely control myself while in her presence. I could feel our chemistry and it was so amazing. "Can we talk about this again when I have more time? I really have to go." She said in a rushing manor.

She then left me. No phone number, no address, not even a hint as to where she was going to I could ask her for it again, nothing.  She acted as if she was the one that go away, but I needed her in my movie....I really needed her.

Lady Gaga....I will find you my darling.

Stefani's Pov:

"Fuck! I could feel the chemistry there!" I thought to myself while in the front seat of my car. "Why didn't I give him my number. I'm so stupid. I should have just stayed instead of running away. I really don't have anyone to do...I just needed to get away. I mean I have a fiance for Christ's sake. He's my number one, not this Bradley man.....I just need some time to think." I said to myself once again trying to get through the pain of running from love......was it love? "No. I love Taylor. I love Taylor." I kept reassuring myself.

Bradley's Pov:

I went in search for Irina. I needed to get out if there before people could tell that I have a boner.....yes that Lady Gaga girl gave me a boner and we literally just met.

I finally found Irina after five minutes of searching for her took her by the hand and whispered in her ear, "let's get out if here." We then went to the car, and I drove home as fast as I could. That night, once we got home, I took Irina up to our room and the entire time I wish it was Gaga instead.

I woke up the next morning around 7am. Irina was still sound asleep so I thought it was best not to wake her and I went downstairs into my office and began searching. I looked up Lady Gaga and found out who she was and who her manager also was. I also found him business line. I decided to call that and see if it could get anywhere.

"Hello? This is Bobby Campbell." said the voice on the other line. "Hi, this is Bradley Cooper. I- " I said as Bobby cut me off, "Say no more. When can you come over to her house?" "Come over to her house? What do you mean?" I said in question. " She's been talking nonstop about you for the past 24 hours. Does tomorrow around 4pm sound okay?" Said Bobby sounding rather calm that he got that off of his chest. " Works out for me. Is she okay with this?" I said. "Trust me. She will be. I'll give her a call now." said Bobby sounding even more relived. " Thank you." I said with a slight smile.

Stefani's Pov:

My phone rang and rang. I just didn't have the heart to pick it up. I knew it wouldn't be Bradley.....or well anyone I'd want to talk to for that matter, but I looked at the caller ID and it was just Bobby. I let it ring. I didn't even pick it up again when I heard it ring 4 more separate times after that.

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