Chapter 9: With Love

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Bradley's Pov: April 30th, 2016

I woke up with little arms wrapped around me. I turned over to look at the alarm clock to see the time. 7 am. I had singing lessons at 8.

I slowly moved Stefani's arms from around me. She was so sound asleep, so adorable. Her face was the literal definition of perfect.

Once I was out of bed I got my clothes and got dressed. I decided not to wake the sleeping angel. She needed her beauty sleep. I went downstairs looking everywhere for something to write with and a sheet of paper of some sort. I finally found a sharpie and a sticky note in what I'm assuming was Stef's office. I quickly ran back upstairs but not too loudly. I wrote down on the note:

Dear My Queen,

I'm sorry that I left before you woke up. I have singing lessons for our movie and you were sleeping so soundly, so angelic like, so peacefully. Did I ever tell you how amazing your nose is when it slightly twitches while you sleep? It's my favorite feature of you. Your amazing nose. You're a Goddess. Never forget that. Perfection. I will see you soon my love. Text me when you can.

~ With Love,

Once I was done writing the note, I stuck it to the back of the headboard on the bed so its the first thing she sees when she wakes up.

I finished grabbing my things, put on my jacket, and headed to my lessons.

Stefani's Pov:
I woke up due to the sunlight hearing through the curtains. I didn't register it at first that Bradley was gone but once I turned around and didn't see his handsome face I slightly started to panic and then I looked up.

"What's that?" I thought to myself while lifting my arm up to get the note off my headboard.

I sat up and read the note out loud. I smiled while reading it. I couldn't help myself. He made me feel all warm inside. The butterflies. I swear. I couldn't help myself but giggle when I finished the note. I was just so happy.

" I falling in love with him? No. No. No. I can't be." I said out loud attempting to avoid this feeling that I soon learned would never go away.

I then reached for my phone to text Bradley.

Hey B. I miss you, your warmth, your body, everything.

Hey Stef. I miss you too, I'll be home soon. In about an hour. I can't wait to touch your soft skin again.


Oh. Yea. Sorry I mean to say "your house.".

No. I like that. It's your house now and always will be❤ (she said this while not even thinking about Taylor. Bradley made her forget about almost everything...especially the fact that Taylor would be back that night from filming)

You make my heart beat faster and faster by the second. Idk what Id do without you. You're my forever.

Come home soon B.
~With Love,

Bradley's Pov:

I sat the phone down on the table in front of me. "I still need to tell her about Irina and I. She needs to know we're on a break...omg Taylor! What about Taylor??? Would she really give up all of that for me?" He thought to myself slightly shaking.

"Are you ready to start again? Start from Do and go up from there." Bradley's vocal coach said to him as he came back into the room after a ten minute break.

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