Chapter 6: Ally

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Bradley's Pov: April 28th, 2016

It's been 13 days since I've seen her...since I've seen that beautiful face...since I've seen that angel or even talked to her for that matter. My heart was aching for her.

I've been on the phone with Warner Bros. for the past hour and a half trying to convince him that Stef was right for this role.

It's been 2 hours now. They still aren't convinced......

"Hey! I have an idea. Is it okay if I send you a video?" I said to one of the people working for Warner Bros. over the phone.

"Uh yeah sure." They sounded rather confused but also curious.

I texted them the video while still on the phone and their reaction was phenomenal.

"Oh. My. God. Bradley! You guys have the best chemistry! Just wow. How could she not be perfect for this part? You both look practically in love already. I'm just in love with this." The person from Warner Bros. Said.

"Wow. Thank you! So does she had the role of Alley?" I asked with a tiny smile.

"Of course she does!"

"Thank you! Thank you! I can't wait to tell her!" I hung up the phone. I was literally jumping from excitement in my New York apartment like a literal bunny.

"Bradley? What are you so excited about hun?" Irina said while walking over to me in our bedroom and gently putting a hand on my back rubbing in circles.

"I just got Lady Gaga the lead role in my new movie!" I said while putting my phone in my back pocket and turning around to put my hands on her waist.

"Oh, so this "Lady Gaga" she good in bed?" Irina said while looking deep into Bradley's eyes.

"Uh, what did you just ask me?" I said while pushing her away from me.

"I asked if she was good in bed Bradley..." Irina now had her hands on her hips.

"How the actual fuck would I know? Are you insane?" I said as he was packing a bag fiercely.

"Then why are you lacking your shit? Huh? Explain yourself?" Her face kept getting more and redder. She actually seemed mad for all of the right reasons this time, but why?

"I'm don't with you! I'm done with this! All of it! Everything! I need to leave...and tbh I think it's best if we take a break."

I was so fed up with her! How could she have known and why didn't I just tell her to get her out of my life for good? Ugh, my heart is so messed up.

As I opened the front door I went to dial Stef's number. I then started to close the door behind me and the popes my head back in the front door just to where Irina could hear what I was going to say.

"Oh, and by the way...Gaga is amazing in bed." I said and then slammed the front door behind me.

I was now headed for the see...her.

Stefani's Pov:

I was sitting on my living room couch reading on my laptop what the latest "news" about my life was on while Taylor stood behind me and rubbed my shoulders. Then my phone started to ring. I looked down and saw that it was Bradley. I immediately took off my reading glasses and picked up on the second ring.

"Hey B! What's up?"

"You won't believe what I got you!!!" He said in excitement. You could even hear the smile on his face through the phone.

"What did you get me?" I laughed a little towards the end because Taylor was now leaving might kisses on my neck and it tickled.

"THE PART!!! I GOT YOU THE PART OF ALLY!!!" He was practically screaming through the phone.

"You didn't!??......No way!!" I was so shocked myself about this and there was a short pause in between my responses since Taylor had now moved his hands from my shoulders fo my breasts and I did a little light moan afterward.

"Is it okay if we meet tonight and discuss our plans for the movie?" Bradley then started to get the hint that there was something going on on the other line. His excitement calmed down quite a bit.

"Of course B. Dinner? Around 6? You can pick me up from here if you'd like."Taylor had to leave again that night to go and make another episode of Chicago Fire. Taylor had now moved his right hand from my breast to my pants starting to unbutton them. I couldn't help but think about Bradley doing this to me rather than Taylor but why? Why B and not the one I loved....or did I love Bradley? Shut up, Stefani! You love Taylor. Stop saying this! Its madness.

"That sounds perfect to me. See ya then Stef." He sounded sad, but at the moment I didn't care. All I needed was Brad...wait...i mean Taylor inside me.

I hung up the phone. "Who was that, love?" Taylor said while still kissing my neck and touching my whole body.

"Just the director for my next movie. Now shut up and take me right here and now!" Stefani swung up and grabbed Taylor around his neck and pressed his lips against hers.

Bradley's Pov:

"Wow." I thought to myself as I stepped onto the plane to California."Why wasn't she doing that to me right now instead?"

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