Chapter 11: The "Talk"

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Bradley's Pov: May 1st, 2016

"It's been two days since I last saw Stefani. I miss her so damn much already." I thought to myself as I was pacing back and forth in the kitchen of my beach house.

"I need to just fucking tell her! Damn!" I shouted all through the house.

I then bent down and grabbed my phone off of the coffee table.

"Cmon Bradley. Just call her, text her, something." I said while pulling up her name in my contacts, but not having the courage to do anything with her name.

Five minutes had passed by and I still was just stuck starring at my phone...until I got a call...from her.

Stefani's Pov:

It was 4 am when my alarm went off. Today was the day before the Met Gala and I needed to get my things together along with my team and explain how I wanted it to go. I need it to be perfect.

I rolled over in my bed and came face to face with Taylor.

"He looks so peaceful when he sleeps just like..." I said inside my head while rubbing the side of Taylor's face. "...Bradley." I accidentally said out loud.

Taylor's eyes started to flutter open. "What was that sweety?"

I began to get a little worried that he heard what I had just said, "Oh nothing. I was just admiring you."

"No. I'm pretty sure you did say something. 'Bradley' wasn't it?" Taylor said while raising out of bed looking confused and a little upset. "Isn't that the director guy you're going to be filming that movie with?" He said while now rubbing his eyes.

"Yes, but I never said his name. I- I- I- was know what nevermind. I have do get ready. The Met Gala is tomorrow. Are you coming?" I started to get a little agitated.

"Why would I because clearly, you'd rather have 'Bradley' there anyway," Taylor said while mocking me.

"I never said his name for the last fucking time! Why do you have to be such a jealous douche!" I said while taking a pillow off of the bed and tossing it at him.

I stood up off the bed and proceeded to leave the room. I needed some time to cool off. I know I did say his name but why? Why?! Just fucking why? What is wrong with me?


About 15 minutes pass by and I decided to make breakfast. As I was flipping the eggs I heard Taylor coming down the stairs.

"Hey baby, I'm sorry about earlier. I made yo-" as soon as I looked up from the eggs I saw Taylor dressed and he was carrying a small suitcase.

"I think I'm gonna go and see my mom for a few days. I just need a break for a second." Taylor said with a sad expression on his face.

"Wait for what? What do you mean? Are you breaking up with me or something?" I started to get all tearing eyed and as soon as Taylor noticed he sat his things on the floor, headed towards me, and grabbed the sides of my arms while looking me the eyes.

"No baby, I'm definitely not breaking up with you. I just need some time to think is all. I love you and you know that. Plus I haven't seen her in a little bit." He then pulled me into his chest and hugged me tightly. He acted as if he never wanted to let go, but then I felt a tear fall on my head and it caused me to look up at him.

"Taylor, just know that I will always love you. No matter what." I said while still constantly thinking of Bradley. I don't even know why, but...maybe...what if? What if I love them both? No no. You're acting crazy Stef. Just crazy!

Taylor then gave me a kiss on the top of my head, grabbed his things, and left. "I could tell that he knew I was already slipping away. What if all of those times he almost caught Bradley and I together he knew Bradley was there? Oh no. What have I done?! Does my heart beat for two? Wow." I thought to myself.

I still couldn't get Bradley out of my head. I needed to call him at least, hear his voice. So I dialed the number.

"Hey, B"

"Hey, Stef. What's up?"

"Nothing really...I was just thinking about you, I needed to hear your voice."

"Wow. Could you honestly ever get any more perfect?"

"Aw B stop. You're too cute."

"No babe, that's all you" it was like you could hear his smile through the phone.

"You're absolutely perfect. On another note...Taylor won't be going with me to the Met Gala tomorrow. He and I had a little mishap. I'm okay though and so is he. He left for his mother's. He'll be back in a few days." I said while almost crying.

"Oh no, Stef! Are you okay? Is there anything I can do? I could come over and make you pasta or we could cuddle and watch a movie? Whatever you'd like to do."

"No, it's okay. I have to get ready for the Met Gala tomorrow anyway."

"Well, on the other side of things Irina and I are on a break."

"Wait?! What?!" I said while so worried.

"Yea. She kinda found out about us."

"Us? Oh my god! Bradley, you have to get back with her now! You have to! Convince her that we weren't together or something!" I said while yelling.

"Wait wait slow down. So you want me to get back with Irina? Why?"

"What do you think why? One, if this info of 'us' gets leaked to the paparazzi our careers are done for and two, you have a daughter for crying out loud! Imagine the headlines! 'Bradley Cooper cheats on girlfriend' 'Lady Gaga the homewrecker'. Everything would be ruined. It's too soon. Please Brad, please just get back with her or try. We can't have anything like this because it makes it look too suspicious."

"Oh okay. I mean I'll try, but only for you." Bradley said. You could hear the sadness in his voice.

"Thank much."

"Anything for you queen."

"I need to get going. I'm so sorry but the Queen of the MetGaga cannot be late. Dinner tonight?" I said while trying to clear the air.

"I don't know. Let me talk to Irina first."

"Oh okay. I guess I'll see you whenever then."

"Yea see ya...whenever."

They hung up their phones.

Bradley's Pov:

Once I got off the phone my heart sunk to my feet.

"Did she really want me to get back with her? As if it's some sort of sick PR? What even? You know what. I'm still gonna do it because if I'm given the chance to win her love then I'm going to fight for it. No matter what it takes I will keep fighting and I will win." I thought to myself as I was back to pacing the kitchen again.

I then started to dial Irina's number.

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