Chapter 3: Midnight Special part 1

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Stefani's Pov: April 14th, 2016

It was around noon. I had just gotten up out of bed and I heard a knock at my front door. This person didn't ring the doorbell....they just knocked. It was odd. Thankfully I always have guards at my home and guard dogs. Anyway this person couldn't even get up my driveway if my guards hadn't let them in, so....I guess it's important.

I walked downstairs to the door and slightly opened it considering how I looked. I wasn't dressed, my hair wasn't brushed, and I hadn't even brushed my teeth. When I saw who this person was I did an instant gasp. "Hi Lady Gaga. Remember me from the benefit? Cooper." he stuck out his hand to shake mine "Bradley Cooper."

I then opened the door a little wider and stuck my hand out to shake his. "I'm so sorry for my appearance Mr. Cooper, but I wasn't expecting you." I said while I straighted my shirt, so it wasn't as wringled from were I was laying on it.

"Please, call me Bradley and you weren't expecting me? I thought Mr. Campbell called you and told you I was coming to speak with you about the movie?" said Bradley with a questionable look on his face.

I then remembered......I never picked up the phone when Bobby called. Fuck. "Oh yes. I remember. Come inside."

"Would you like something to drink or eat? I can warm up some pasta?" I said just trying to be nice. "I'd love some." Bradley said with a smirk.

As I was heating up the pasta Bradley was in mid sentence about how his mother used to make homemade pasta for him all of the time when he was a boy and then he just stopped taking and looked into my living room. "Bradley? You okay?" I said with a puzzled look. "Yes of course....but you have a piano? Do you mind playing a song for me after we eat? Only so I can make observations for the movie." He said looking rather nervous and blushing. You could tell he didn't just want to hear me play the piano for the movie. "I'd love to." I said with a grin.

After we ate we went into the living room and I sat down at the piano and Bradley sat down beside of me on the bench.

I started to play a piece of Beethoven and Bradley touched my hand and stopped me. I then looked in his eyes in a distraught way, but once I got a sight of those big blue ocean eyes of his I couldn't look away and he seemed to be stuck in mine as well. It was an instant instant chemistry.

Bradley clearly faked coughed after about 3 minutes of staring into my eyes just to get our attention and he said, " I have another song in mind. Do you know Midnight Special by chance?" I looked at him rather confused manor, he then said "Here. Let me show you. I love this song." He said while pulling up a video of someone playing it. It was such a beautiful song and I could most definitely play it by ear on the piano. It wouldn't be too difficult.

After the video was over Bradley cleared his throat once again and said, " So is it okay if I record us playing it? Just for movie purposes only." It more than obviously was not for the movie, but I didn't care. He was too adorable to say no too. "Yes. I'd love too." He then sat his phone on the top of the piano and started to record us. I sang and played while we both sang. He voice was like an angels.

After the song was over I said to him, "BRADLEY YOU CAN SING!" There was a short pause and he then bursted out, "I'm not very good, but I am taking lessons." I looked at him and smiled. While his hand wrapped around my waist. I began to play another song on the piano while he slowly scooted closer and closer to me.

" felt it too right?" I asked him. "Felt what?" He said. "The chemistry?" he looked at me as if I was the best meal he had ever tasted. "Oh I felt it....a little too much if you ask me." I turned to my side to face him and he slowly brought his hand to the side of my face. I looked so deep into his eyes and in that very moment....he was all I could ever think of. He brought my face slowly to his and kissed me. This was a kiss of such passion, such devastation, It felt like it last a lifetime when it was nearly just seconds. Once we parted he licked his lips and kept starring into my eyes and then I started to panic because all I began to think about was my fiance Taylor.

...but Bradley and I had such chemistry.

Bradley's Pov:

Once mine and Gaga's kiss was over I could see sudden panic in her eyes.....I began to remember that I had a girlfriend and I felt as if she knew I did too. Irina is going to be so devastated.....

...but Gaga and I had such chemistry.

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