Chapter 4: Midnight Special part 2

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Stefani's Pov: April 14th-15th, 2016

I looked into his eyes and saw nothing but pure fear....what was even going on! I needed to get out of here, to hide, to maybe even tell Taylor what I I needed to tell Bradley how I felt.

"B? I mean Bradley? Are....are you okay?" I said in shear panic. "Yes. Of course I am. I'm just a little startled that's all." He said with an obvious fake smile across his face. He then came closer to me again and held my waist close to his pelvis while I put my hands on his shoulders.

"I....I....I felt something there. I know I did. Please don't tell me I'm crazy. Please." Bradley said with his cute puppy dog eyes look he batted at me. "I've never felt something more real in my life." I said while blushing. The room then felt silent for about a minute and I then said, "Do you have anything to do for the rest of the day?" Considering that it was still only 4pm and my body craved his touch more than ever. I wasn't even thinking at the time about how Taylor would be home tomorrow from filming another episode of Chicago Fire. my mind was only focused on those beautiful blue eyes.

Bradley looked at me like he was hungry and he licked his lips. "Let me clear my schedule really fast." He said while not taking his eyes off of me and then swifly moving to his phone

Bradley's Pov:

I picked up my phone and texted Irina as fast as possible. I just needed some type of excuse to be gone over night. Honestly she wouldn't care anyway, but I still didn't wanna lose her. I know what I was about to do would be so awful and hurt her but it's not like I'm in love with Gaga.....or am I? No. No. I can't be.

I began to text Irina that I'm on my way to New York for talent scouting for me my new movie. She replied back with, "k. See ya whenever." She honestly acted as if she didn't care whether to not I died, left her, or even just ran away. Ugh my dumb heart. Why does it have to be so kind.

I turned around to Gaga once again and said, "Done. It's cleared. You have me all night." I moved closer to her an grabbed her hips and practically pushed my body into hers.

Stefani's Pov:

"Stefani." I said and looked straight into his eyes. "What?" He answered back in confusion. "My name. My name is Stefani Stefani Germanotta and I only let certain people have the privilege of calling me that so consider yourself grateful." I said while rubbing my finger up and down his chest slowly. "Oh my more than grateful and by the way, I like it when you call me B." He said with a smirk. He eyes looked deep inside of me. I felt them almost piercing my soul. How I craved him, how I needed him, oh please just come to me. I was practically mealting inside.

Bradley took my my face and fiercely pulled it to his. His kiss was fire. It had passion..... something he seemed to not be able to give for a very long time. He seemed so needy for affection.

Once he released me, he grabbed my legs and wrapped them around his waist. "Where's the bedroom?" He looked at me and smiled. "Upstairs to the right." I said while pointing. He carried me off while kissing me deeply the whole time.

Once we got to the bedroom he sat me down on the bed and moved me to where I was laying down with my head at the headboard. He then kissed from my lips, over to my cheek, and then down my neck and then he whispered in between kisses "We really. Need. To get. This. Off." He then started to pull my shirt up above my head and then threw it across the room. He then was kissing my stomach over and over again. I let out a little moan. He then looked up at me and instead of kissing now he licked back from below my belly button to my breasts. He unclipped my bra and then threw that acoss the room as well.

He stopped for a moment and just stared at me. " What is it, Bradley? You look like you've been hit by a train!" I laughed. And put my hand up to my mouth in the process. " I just can't believe how beautiful you are. Wow....Stef." he said while constantly staring in such a sexy manner. Him calling me that just made me want him more. I then sat up, grabbed his neck, pulled his head forward by his hair, and kissed him to get him stuck out of his trance. I pulled him back to the bed with me. I practically almost ripped off his shirt I wanted him so bad. His abs were to die for as well. His body was a dream.....a literal dream.

Bradley started to craw down my body so slowly. He was such a tease. Once he got to the waistline of my pants he slowly took them off. Once he got them off of me, all I had left on was my black lacey panties. He then sat up off if the bed took off his belt, and proceeded to take off his pants. After he was done he licked his famous lips once again (oh how I loved when he did that) and crawled back on the bed. He put his middle finger to my now wet panties and rubbed in a circular motion on the thin piece of fabric. I moaned his name and my eyes when circling to the back of my head. I swear I could see stars now. "I need you. I need you inside of me." I said moaning almost after every word. I couldn't help myself.

He pulled down my underwear and once he had them in his hands he sniffed them and his eyes rolled in the back of his head. "Can I keep these?" He asked with a playful like tone. "You can keep anything you want." I said as i rubbed my foot against his more than ever obvious bulge. Teasing him and begging for more.

After I said that he could keep them I must have pressed the right button because he threw them onto the floor and drove right into my pussy. Eating me out, making me grab for almost dear life onto the bedsheets. He inserted one finger into my 2.....3.....oml. "Bradleyyyyyyyyy!!!!" I screamed. I couldn't help myself. "I'm gonna c-c-cum!" He stopped as soon as I said that. "Hey! Why'd you stop?" I said with a pout as I propped my elbows up on the bed. He then stuck my fingers in his mouth, then crawled up to me, put a finger, to my mouth and said, "Shh baby. The parties only just started." This turned me on even more. He was so hot. Wow. I could barely take him.

He then took off his boxers and dropped the beside of the bed. he was much bigger than expected. I even questioned to if I could take it in at all.

He said to me, "This will be the ride if your lifetime." with a wink. "I'll enjoy it more than you think." I said back with a dirty stare. Then went in easy and treated me like a goddess. He started off slow and gradually went faster and faster. As soon as I let out my first moan he took his right hand and instantly placed it on my clint. He was rubbing on a constant circle motion nonstop. He began to push even harder inside of me. I couldn't help but scratch and dig my nails into his back. He poured into me and a little less than a few seconds later I wasn't too far behind him. Once I got off he crawled down me and liked my puss then instantly came up and game me a wet kiss. I could taste both of us. It was pure gold.

He then rolled over to my right side, we got under the covers and held me tight. Even tho it was only 6 pm we both fell sound asleep in each other's arms.

I woke up around 4 am to the sound of a barking dog. Not for long after that, I heard someone yell "Stef! I'm home!"

Oh, no.....oh shit! TAYLOR IS HOME!!!

I went into an instant panic and tried to wake Bradley up quietly so Taylor wouldn't hear us. "B?? B?? Wake up!" I said while shaking him. "Cmon get up!" He finally woke up and rubbed his eyes. I could hear Taylor coming up the stairs now. "BRADLEY HIDE IN THE CLOSET!" I whisper screamed. "What?? Why???" I let out a sigh. "My fiance is here." I said while almost crying. I didn't want to see Taylor. All I wanted was for Bradley to hold me a little longer.

Bradley's Pov:

"YOUR WHAT???!!!" I said in pure frustration. "No time to talk right now. I'm so sorry. Please get in the closet." Stefani said while almost in tears and pushing my naked body into the closet. That hurt me more than her having a fiance.

Stefani quickly grabbed a robe and I heard Taylor open the door....

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