Chapter 5: Taylor part 1

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Stefani's Pov: April 15th, 2016

As soon as I saw Taylor open the door to our room I quickly walked over to him and put my right hand to his chest my left around his back while he instantly put his things on the floor and put his hands on my hips

"Hey baby! I missed you!" He said while giving my forehead a general kiss.

"Awe I missed you too." I looked into his eyes and could see nothing but the love he had for me. This made me feel even more guilty about what I did with Bradley lady night.

Taylor looked down to the ground and saw Bradley's pants and shirt. "Uh who's are these?" He said looking very confused and slightly frustrated.

"Oh! They are yours of course! Who's else would they be? You honestly have so many clothes anyway." I said with a more than obvious fake laugh.

"Oh yea....sure, but if they are mine why are they wrinkled and on the floor?" His eyebrows raised more and more. You could tell he was getting suspicious.

"I wore them to bed last night. I just miss you so much. Wearing your clothes makes me feel safe. Without you, I'd be nothing." I said with a pouty face making him feel sorry for my lie I had just told him.....I kept feeling more and more guilty.

"Awe baby! It's okay! I right here and will be for a while. I'm glad I'm home" he said while bringing my head closer to his chest and pushing back the hair on my head. Every time he called this house home it made me feel more and more guilty inside. My stomach was starting to hurt.

I eased up from his chest and asked, "Are you hungry? I haven't had breakfast yet and my stomach is starting to hurt" it obviously was not getting because of that.....guilt was taking over.

"Yes, sure babe." He said while staring deep into my eyes, "I can make some eggs if you want and bacon!" He said with the biggest smile.

"That sounds so delicious. I would love to have some." I said.....with a more than fake smile on my face.

"Also are you not wearing anything underneath of that robe?" Taylor said with a smirk.

"Not at all." I said as he started to pull my robe down a little from the top left corner. "But let's wait until later for that. I'm kinda hungry." I said while laughing

"Okay, hun. I'm going to run downstairs and put the food on." he smiled I once again while still looking deep into my eyes. "I love you." He whispered and then gave me a soft kiss upon my lips.

Taylor went downstairs and I slowly closed the door behind him. I went over to the closet door and knocked three times to let Bradley know it was safe. "Hey, so what was that?" He said in utter confusion.

"That was my fiance....sorry I didn't mention him before....I was honestly too stuck on you I guess." I said while my insides literally felt like they were now on fire from the amount of gilt I was feeling.

"I need to get my clothes..."

"Oh yeah. Uh sure." I picked them up and handed them to him. He put them on...oh he was so sexy. I even bit my lip in the process of watching him dress.

I pointed over by the door that left out of the back of my room and down to the backyard. "You can just go out that door, turn left, then right, and you'll walk straight out of the driveway. Just when passing the window by the kitchen hunker down a little"

Bradley then was done dressing and he walked over to me, grabbed me by my waist, and pulled me as close to his body as possible. "I'll see you soon my love." he said with a smile. Then gave me such a passionate kiss. It was unbelievable. Much better than any kiss Taylor has ever given me.

Then he ran to the door, opened it a little, and stuck his head out to say something...

Bradley's Pov:

Cmon! Just say it! Say it you jerk! I held my breath and let out a quick sigh.

"I have a girlfriend by the way." I said in a rush. I shut the glass door and saw Stefani open her mouth in shock as wide as possible.

I then ran down the stairs, to the left, to the right, hunkered down by the kitchen window, and finally down the driveway. I stopped for a quick second and called a taxi.

Stefani's Pov:

"That son of a bitch."

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