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┎┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┒chapter three: now there was neither┖┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┚

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chapter three:
now there was neither


Such were the words spoken to every Youngling after the Gathering. And they held the undeniable truth — Force would guide your body and mind but it was the energy blade that stood between you and your imminent demise.

Lightsabers were part of them, created from kyber crystals from the frozen caves of Ilum. A Jedi didn't choose their crystal — the crystal always chose the Jedi, guiding them through the trials like a holy beacon. In a way, a small piece of a Jedi's soul always remained inside it, long after their death.

According to the custom, a perished Jedi was to buried with their lightsaber. But with Darsha there was nobody to grieve over, no casket to bury, and since Anoon Bondara — her Master — had died as well, the Padawan's weapon had been given to the closest person she had.

Elysar stared at the remains of Darsha's lightsaber. She found herself in the same position she had spent days in: on the floor of her room, legs crossed, in a face-off with a piece of metal. She could feel it buzzing, calling for her, but try as she might, Elysar couldn't answer.

Echo Sensing always came easy to her, even too easy, which could at times be a little frightening, especially for a small child. The power itself wasn't the problem — it was the control over it that presented an almost insurmountable challenge. There were very few who could teach it to her, and all of them lived in faraway systems; hermits, left to their own devices.

The power of Psychometry was rare indeed and regarded as something to fear rather than develop. The day Elysar discovered she possessed it, she was encouraged to use it mindfully or better yet, not at all. It was quite hard because half a time she couldn't even help it — as soon as she touched an object, she would get flashes of images, sounds and even smells. Sometimes it was pleasant, almost fun. Other times...things could get dark. And it always left a mark. This was why ever since her last mission, one that ironically earned her the title of a Jedi Knight, Elysar had trouble connecting to the Force.

Every day for the past week, upon returning to her room after training and helping Madam Jocasta in the Archives, Elysar would sit on the floor and stare at the lightsaber. She would then meditate, but that would inevitably make her feel restless and she would open her eyes and stare at the weapon some more. It was incredibly exhausting, that mental torture, which left her in a rather sour mood.

Elysar finished her lesson on telekinesis with the Bear Clan and after the auditorium cleared out, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, knowing what awaited her back in her room. Another unsuccessful meditation. Another couple of hours spent staring at a lifeless object. It was then that Elysar sensed a heavy presence and opened her eyes. There was a small, green creature standing in the doors of the training auditorium.

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