seven: part one

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┎┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┒chapter sevenpart one:long live the queen┖┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┚

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chapter seven
part one:
long live the queen

Elysar knew her mission and knew it well: she was to accompany Lady Jenza of Serenno to Alderaan where she would join her estranged nephew and sister-in-law under the protection of House Organa. It was a one way trip that would take approximately six days — five if they made haste — and Elysar would be back in the Temple in time for Master Cin Drallig's lightsaber lesson with Darsha.

Unfortunately, it appeared that she and Lady Jenza had very different hopes for this adventure. And while Elysar intended to deliver the socialite safely to Alderaan, Jenza felt like making a slight detour. To visit an old friend, she said. Although with great effort, the young Padawan managed to conceal her displeasure.

Elysar had heard a great deal about Gatalenta — as a place with a highly potent Force-presence, it was quite popular among the Jedi who often visited the planet for meditative purposes. Gatalenta was a cradle of peace and tranquillity, of ancient temples and art, of rich culture and sweet teas for which it was famed across the entire Galaxy.

Walking through the city by Jenza's side, Elysar couldn't quite believe her eyes. She had travelled to many planets with Master Windu, had seen her share of bustling metropolises and crowded bazaars; and still, Gatalenta was a place unlike any other. There was an uncanny sense of serenity in the air that smelt of floral aromas and sweet spices.

No slaves, no delinquents, no black traders, no civil wars.

Elysar watched with eyes full of wonder as people danced in the main square near the market place to the tune of street musicians playing in the corner; some were busy talking with the vendors, some engaged in passionate discussions over by the fountains — it was a beautiful celebration of life.

"The Gatalentans are way ahead of the rest of the Galaxy," said Jenza, the look of marvel on Elysar's face clearly amusing her, "They have long learned to value the gift of life, to treasure it. Which proved to be the path to ultimate peace."

Elysar thought that their envoy must've looked quite conspicuous in the sea of greys and whites worn by the majority of the people, with only a splash of crimson cloaks on their shoulders. Jenza was wearing a long dress of rich turquoise embroidered with gold and silver, her flaming hair shining even brighter against the color.

"Do they trade in slavery?" Elysar asked. Such a prosperous planet couldn't get all its revenue from exporting teas, however high the demand.

"Oh, no. The Gatalentans have a very strict policy against it," Lady Jenza explained, "In fact, it is considered illegal. The Council of Mothers sees that all traders caught in their misdoings be severely punished."

Elysar was quite surprised to hear that. Slave trade was an extremely lucrative business that plagued the entire Galaxy, and it was nice to know that the price for prosperity and wealth could be lower than a person's life. Lady Jenza was right — the Gatalentans truly were ahead of the rest of the Galaxy, all thanks to the seven women who governed the planet. Lady Rabella Holdo was one of them.

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