seven: part two

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┎┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┒chapter sevenpart two:little Jedi┖┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┚

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chapter seven
part two:
little Jedi

ELYSAR HAD BEEN  staring at the chessboard in deep contemplation for a good fifteen minutes. She was assessing the pieces she still had: an appalling slug, a creature called a Kintan strider and someone with a name she couldn't bother to remember. It didn't change the situation, though — Elysar was, quite simply put, kriffed.

With an annoyed sigh, she moved the slug around the orbit of the Dejarik board and then along two rays. It know stood next to Jenza's burly holopiece of Houjix. With a determined gleam in her eyes, Elysar pushed the rival beast.

Only the beast pushed back and tore her good for nothing slug apart, throwing its now dismembered body on the chessboard.

Elysar's eyes flashed to Jenza, narrowed to slits, "You cheated!"

The woman smiled evasively. "Did I really?" she purred and made another move, this time pushing her opponent's piece two moves back.

"How — this is ridiculous," Elysar huffed, her competitiveness flaring.

Playing holochess had become their routine ever since Jenza'd suggested teaching Elysar the ways of Dejarik. At first, she had refused, reasoning that it was highly unprofessional. But as she'd watched Jenza play the game with some of the crew members and her handmaidens, curiosity'd got the best of Elysar and she had shamelessly succumbed to it.

Something'd changed between her and Jenza after their visit to Gatalenta. They'd started talking more, spent more time together. Elysar'd shared stories about her life at the Temple and about her adventures with Master Windu, some of which were rather confidential. Jenza, in her turn, had told her about Serenno and the wonderful childhood they'd all had. Tell me about my mother, Elysar longed to ask. But it was the line she couldn't cross — she was careful not to let Jenza get too close.

Elysar's eyes roamed the chessboard in search of a strategy that would help her win. She finally made a move and leaned back in the chair, smirking at her cleverness. Jenza looked impressed.

"So," she intoned, pushing one of her mid pieces forward, "That boy you told me about — what's his name?"

Elysar looked at her with confusion. "What boy?"

"The one that brings redness to your cheeks."

"There is no boy," she said quickly and moved her Kintan strider forward. It pushed Jenza's strange creature back, but this time, the win didn't feel quite so rewarding. Elysar let out a sigh. "But...there's a friend."

This piece of information only nurtured Jenza's curiosity. "Ah, a friend."

"His name is Obi-Wan. He..." is a pain in my ass, "is a Padawan, like me."

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