a secret (an alastor perspective)

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(AUTHOR'S NOTE: this whole part is about alastor and his secret and not about you if you don't see (Y/N) in this part please remember this whole entire part is about alastor, ok onto the story)

dear secrets book (idk what he would call his diary :/),

i have recently just had some coffee with (Y/N). we did have a great time, but before we went inside for coffee there was...a problem. it was really peaceful talking with them in line and in the booth. the cashier was a little annoying though. but when i took them back to their room before i left the said they LOVE ME! i can't believe i said i love you back, that was one of the most embarrassing things that has ever happened to me in my life! i don't know if she meant physically in love or just as a friend! i might need to ask them. but if they say physically i think i might say...

"i feel the same way too (Y/N)..." 

alastor x female reader (NSFW WARNING!!!)Where stories live. Discover now