late night dinner

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you exit your room whering a sparkling red dress with some red high heels. alastor holds out his hand for you to hold. you both go outside and walk holding hands, somehow you weren't afraid. mostly because you have a kinda?...boyfriend who is an overlord by your side so nobody can mess with you. you then go to this fancy restaurant called "the red rum" it was the most fanciest restaurant you have ever seen, there were people dressed in dresses and tuxedo's, a chandelier with lots of candles that you couldn't even count, a jazz band and large unnecessary space. you wondered how alastor could afford it all, "what would you like sir and madam" the fancy cashier asked. at least you thought it was a cashier. "i would like some deer stake and a raspberry cocktail" alastor asked "hi, i would like some roasted duck legs and a strawberry cocktail" you asked politely "to-go or here" the man asked "to-go" alastor said. the man clapped his hands and the meals were in the 2 of your hands. alastor handed the guy the money and the 2 of you left. you were still confused, alastor led you to the top of a fenced roof he then pulled out a chair for a table for 2. you sat down and placed your food down on the table. alastor did the same, "so why did you wanna lead me up here?" you ask. "look down at the city" he insisted

you saw the most PRETTIEST view ever of hell. it was so precious you took your phone out of your purse and decided to take a photo and send it on social media. you slid your phone in your purse and started to eat. you and alastor wouldn't stop talking and laughing you 2 felt so happy with this so called date. the thing you and alastor didn't notice is that you were holding HANDS! after the 2 of you were done you threw your food into a nearby garbage and just tossed your glass cocktails of the roof and didn't care if they hit somebody on the head from below the point was you and alastor had a wonderful time. "OH!alastor we should take a selfie together!" you exclaimed with pure happiness and excitement , the 2 of you took a selfie right in front of the view of hell. after that the 2 of you decided to go back to the hotel   

alastor x female reader (NSFW WARNING!!!)Where stories live. Discover now