such a mean girl!

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after the few periods it was finally time for break you then see that your locker was right next to one of the popular girls in the hallway earlier you just couldn't help but introduce yourself "hi...i'm (y/n) i'm new here" you say holding your hand out for her to shake but instead she pushed you away. "i'm helsa von Eldritch, so your one of the new peasants in the school, i would say it's a pleasure to meet you but then again i just don't care" she said seriously, you felt a little offended that she called you a peasant in the school and that she doesn't care that your new here. "so is this your orientation?" she asked. "yes! yes it is" you say "oh i have a good question for you! do you have a boyfriend and did you guys bang yet?" she asked. it was a weird question but if you didn't respond that would be kinda rude "um...weird but yeah i have a boyfriend and we banged...But ONLY once" you say. "what's your boyfriends name though?" she asked "alastor" you respond. "wow that freaky overlord, i supposed you only wanted him just so he could take you over with his dick" she said. you felt extremely offended. "slut..." you hear her whisper. "wow what a mean girl!" you thought as she walked away with her friends. you were so excited to choose not to come to this school. but as soon as you thought everything was gonna get better the mean girls cornered you and called you names. they called you pig,loser,slut,disgusting,terrible,newbie,stupid,ugly and gross and slapped you in the face, punched you in the arm or kicked you. lunch was way worse you ended up getting tripped and spilling your lunch and everyone laughed at you and one of the mean girls spilled milk on you and messed up your perfectly good hair. after lunch everyone got their stuff from their lockers for their next class, but you got your stuff to leave because you were only able to attend half of the day because your one of the orientation student's. afterwards when you got your stuff you walked to the office to say if you want to stay or not "so (y/n) (y/l) how do you feel about this school?" the principal asked "i don't like it at all" you honestly say "and why is that?" the principal asked "well you see sir, the students here don't treat me well at all and it makes my heart break" you say "well are you staying or no" he asked "no" you replied "well ok then thank you for attending today" the principal said as you left. you decided to walk all the way back to the hotel luckily it wasn't that far when you made it back you smelt like spoiled milk so you decided to go back to your room and take a shower. after doing so, you felt sad that your day didn't work out well and you started to cry...   

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