cafe surprise

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you enter the cafe and get into line behind and imp demon and owl demon holding hands (they are pictured below)

once you got in front of the line you saw the same cashier he then perked up and stared at you and what seems to be BLUSHING?! you felt irritated that many demons flirt with you

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once you got in front of the line you saw the same cashier he then perked up and stared at you and what seems to be BLUSHING?! you felt irritated that many demons flirt with you..."hi welcome to hell's cafe what would like ma'am" the cashier asked nervously "i would like a strawberry milkshake thanks" you say a little irritated and serious "sure anything else?" the cashier asked in the same exact tone "no thanks" you say seriously "ok that will be 1.09 here's the receipt and your order is #34" he hands you his phone number instead of the receipt "um...this is your phone number i can't take this" you complain "no ma'am that's a receipt" he insisted "do you think i'm stupid?!" you ask with a irritated voice "uh-oh looks like someone's got their period~" he teased. you then burn his phone number with your demon powers. "if you don't hand me that goddamn receipt that piece of paper will also be the same result as you!" you threat. the cashier quickly gave you the actual receipt. "thanks..." you say annoyed "no prob ma'am" the cashier said terrified. "men..." you whisper to yourself. you sit down at a 2 seated table, you take out your phone and started scrolling through your social media to see what your friends are doing or what silly meme's they posted to make you giggle a little "ORDER 34" a cashier yelled. you get up and get your milkshake and you hand the cashier the money without making eye contact. you go back on your phone and take a selfie while sipping the milkshake and post it. you then hear a familiar voice "hello is this other seat taken?" the person asked you look up to see...ALASTOR! how did he know your here "alastor?! what are you doing here?" you ask "i just wanted to get a cookie or 2 and hot chocolate, it became pretty chilly outside" he said sitting down in the free chair. "wow, did it really become chilly that fast" you ask in surprise "indeed it has" alastor says. after he got his hot chocolate and 2 cookies he gave you one too because he knew you would love it. you guys just had some small talk nothing fancy. but along this whole time you knew alastor was trying to look for you just to make sure you you were ok    

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