Chapter 1- Wireless 2017

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Talia's POV:

I'm super excited for today because it was the day of wireless, I was going with a brand but I also knew my friend's Gee and Tobi are coming with there group of friends so I might be able to hang out with them once I'm finished. I know I have to be there early for the brand so I start getting ready. I strip out of my clothes and step into the shower and let the warm water go over my body and then step out and dry off with my soft towel. I couldn't help but feel like something special was going to happen today, it was confusing me but I just ignored it as I got dressed, and I headed out the door into my cab and off to Wireless.

Simon's POV:

I rub my eyes as I open them for the first time, and look across my room in the sidemen house, before looking at my phone and realize I don't have that much time before we have to leave for wireless. I quickly get up and have a quick shower before heading downstairs to join Josh, Freya and Vik for breakfast, JJ was supposed to be coming with us but he's in LA so he won't come. I greet them and put two slices of toast in the toaster and than I get a weird feeling in my gut, a very exciting like something special was going to happen today. I'm just staring at the wall when Josh snaps me out of it.

Josh- Oi mate, you good?

Vik- Yeah you good Simon, your way out of it?

I'm quickly snapped out of my thoughts and quickly thought of an answer.

Simon- Oh, yeah I'm good, just excited for Wireless!

They all laugh but Josh looks at me not believing me, I just ignore it and eat my breakfast, than we all head in a cab off to wireless.

skip ahead a few hours...

Wireless is sick so far, we've taken our own corner of the VIP lounge and are all drinking and have a good time, than I notice some excitement and laughter coming from the girls who are sitting down on the beanbags, and they all get up to hug someone. When they all break apart, I see the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life, and she looks me directly in my eyes and I break away embarrassed. I walk over to Tobi and he can tell something is up.

Tobi- What's up mate, you good?

I had already re-focused my stare on Talia but I quickly look at Tobi to answer before looking back.

Simon- Yeah I'm good, but I was wondering if you knew who that is?

Tobi looks in my direction and than follows my stare towards her, he quickly chuckles before answering.

Tobi- Yeah her names Talia, I've met her a few times before.

Talia, that name raced through my mind as I kept looking at her. I couldn't look away, she had taken all of my attention and I'd never even said a word to her before, what was happening to me.

Tobi- *snapping in front of my face* Simon, hello you in there.

Simon- Oh shit, yeah sorry Tobi, (my eyes fixate back on her) so her name's Talia.

Tobi- Yeah it is, you want me to introduce you guys?

Simon- Yes please.

I have butterflies in my stomach I'm so nervous, I'm really hoping this is the special feeling I felt this morning, as me and Tobi walk over to Talia.

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