Chapter 28- Sidemen Charity Match

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(Just wanted to say I've taken out the idea of Talia moving into the Sidemen house, with this story obviously we don't know there personal life so it's very likely a lot of things aren't true, but I didn't want to do anything in this story that 100% wasn't true at least until I catch up with present time, so I hope you guys don't mind but that has been removed from the last chapter and that part of the story won't be continued).

Talia's POV:

Me Simon, and the rest of our group have travelled down to South-East London for the Charity Match. Simon had left our hotel room early to get there with the rest of the team so I woke up on my own and I got ready before going down to meet Gee, Katie, and Freya to head to the match on the Friends and Family coach. My sister Angele was also coming so she would be sitting with the "Sidegirls" as were called now. This was going to be Simon's first big thing since his accident and he was cleared to play but he was told to be careful so I was very nervous, but I didn't show it to Simon because I know he was also very nervous. I was going to try and vlog but deep down I knew that if Simon gets close to goal or scores I'll be to busy screaming to remember to pick up the camera. I head downstairs and meet Gee Katie, and Freya and we get on the coach and start to head to the match.

Simon's POV:

I was in the changing room and I was getting really really nervous. I was worried that my accident would affect how I played not just physically but mentally. Talia being here was helping a lot, cause I know I had my biggest fan here with me, and of course my favourite fan. We were lining up in the tunnel getting ready to lineup, and my nerves were really getting to me now, but I just had to put them out my head and focus. As we walked out we heard the cheer from the crowds and I started scanning the crowd for Talia and I saw her as she blew me a kiss and I smiled back at her and mouthed "I love you". Before I knew it, the ref blew the whistle to start the game.

Talia's POV:

The game had felt like it just started and the Sidemen had felt like they were dominating so far, and than Simon broke up the pitch and I stood up and watched nervously, as I saw him score. I jumped up and screamed, I was so proud. Simon went off and celebrated with a Fortnite dance and I just watched and laughed. Simon had scored, maybe he would score more?

A couple hours later.... after the game.

The game was over now and Sidemen FC won 7-1! And Simon scores 3 goals, a hat trick! I had missed all his goals on my vlog like I thought I might but I didn't care, I just watched it in the moment. After they had gone and congratulated one another fans started going down to the pitch and I just ran on the field and went straight to Simon and jumped into his arms and kissed him passionately.

Talia- Simon you did so good!

Simon- Thank you T, I couldn't of done it without you.

He led me into the dressing room where both teams were talking but nobody getting changed yet so it was okay, Simon was given player of the game of course and when it was given to him. He spoke up.

Simon- Thank you guys, but I'm going to delegate the player of the game to someone who didn't play (I looked at him confused but everyone seemed to think it was normal like they knew it was coming). When I had my accident I didn't know if I was going to be able to play today, and I wouldn't of been able to make my recovery if it were for having the love, support, and help of Talia. (He looked at me as I looked at him and started tearing up) This ones for you T, thank you for everything.

I hugged him close as he gave me the award and everyone started crowding me. I smiled as Simon picked me up and kissed me, and I kissed him back. I loved this boy.

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