Chapter 11- Talia's Birthday Part 2

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Simon's POV:

Lunch at Talia's parents went perfect, just how I was hoping for it to go. Though it's now onto the rest of the day. We have three more things to do before we head back home for the night. Of course I had planned a very romantic dinner, but I wanted to get Gee and Freya involved somehow, they were Talia's best friends after all. So I messaged them and set up for them to meet us in central so we can do some shopping, Talia loved shopping so I knew it would be great. I also planned for every time she went to buy something I would pay, just a little something extra on top of everything else. I look over to her and smile as we set off to Central.

Talia's POV:

The car comes to a stop in a random parking lot in the shopping district of central London, I look over to Simon with a confused but excited look.

Talia- What we doing here Si?

Simon- You'll see.

He hops out of the car and goes around to my side for him to help me out. We walk out onto the street hand in hand and as we turn a corner I see Gee and Freya waiting there for me. I cover my face with excitement and run over to them.


Gee & Freya- Surprise!

Talia- What are you guys doing here?

They smile at each other before looking back to me and pointing to something behind me, I turn around and they were pointing at Simon, he knew me so well. I ran into his arms and gave him a hug.

Talia- Thank you, I love you so much.

Simon- Anything for you, I love you too.

A huge smile goes on my face as I lean in and kiss him, we break apart and I slowly back away from his arms, as Gee and Freya go up to hug him as well. The four of us than headed off into central to do some shopping.

20 minutes later.....

We were in the Adidas store and I had picked out a really cute track suit that I wanted to get, as I went into line Simon came in beside me. After the employee had scanned all my items and rang up the price, I began to to rummage through my purse before Simon pulls out the perfect amount and hands it to the man. "Thank you, have a nice day" the man says as we walk out of the store.

Talia- Simon, why'd you do that?

Simon- Just a part of your birthday present, anything you want to get today is yours.

I smiled at him and ran into his arms.

Freya- Aweee you guys are cute.

Gee- Goals!

Talia- Shut up. (I said jokingly while laughing.

3 hours later.......

We had finished up our shopping, said goodbye to Gee and Freya and headed back to his car.

Talia- So what's next Si?

Simon- Well I've made us some dinner reservations for tonight so that's we are headed next. (He said as he was smiling at me)

Talia- Sounds great.

I gave him a peck on the lips as we pulled out of the parking lot and drove off to where Simon had made our reservations. The entire day had been so amazing, but I knew the rest of the day would just keep getting better, I don't know how he did it, but he just knew me so well and knew how to make me happy. We pulled up at a very dark looking restaurant. I looked at Simon confused but he got up, helped me up out of the passenger side as we headed inside, and I gasped when I saw just how far Simon had gone to make tonight perfect.

Simon's POV:

I had booked out an entire restaurant just for a table for 2, I didn't want any distractions for Talia's birthday dinner. I look back at her and the shock and happiness on her face made my day. She jumped in my arms and kissed me passionately and hugged me tightly.

Simon- Happy Birthday!

I held her hand and we walked together to the candlelit table for two. One side of the table had roses on the plate and I helped her towards that side before handing her the roses as she sat down. She smelt them and looked up to me and smiled before I went to sat down and we started staring into each others eyes.

Talia- Thank you so much for everything today Simon.

Simon- It's no problem Talia, there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you.

Talia- This is the best birthday I've ever had and you've made me so happy. I can't imagine my life without you, your the one.

A huge smile grew on my face as I grabbed a hold of her hands, before giving my reply.

Simon- Your the only one for me to Talia.

We both leaned over the table and kissed. When we broke apart we sat back down and stared into each-others eyes, and we talked and laughed. What Talia didn't know is that I had special requested both of our meals when I made the reservation, for our drinks I had ordered us both a Gin & Tonic with Ice and Lime, which is special because it was mine and Talia's gaming squad name that also included Gee and Freya. (G&T w Ice & Lime) Than for dinner I had requested Talia to have pasta with her favourite sauce, and than her favourite sushi which was salmon. Our food and drinks arrived and we ate for an hour and a half. By than it was 10pm and we left the restaurant and set back off for the Sidemen house. When we get back, it was time for me to give Talia my actual presents, I hope she liked them.

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