Chapter 3- Nia's Birthday

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Talia's POV:

Today is Nia's birthday, and I'm really excited. For one it's one of my best friends birthdays, and Freya also told me her and Josh had convinced Simon to come. I hadn't seen him since wireless, we had texted quite a bit but it's not the same as in person. I'm really hoping that the spark we had at Wireless is still there. I get up, get ready and head off to Nia's to set everything up.

Simon's POV:

So today I'm going to Nia's for her birthday party, I hadn't been planning on going but once Josh and Freya told me that Talia would be there I wasn't going to pass up a chance to see her again. I was super nervous about seeing her today because I was really hoping she still liked me and that I hadn't waited to long to see her, we had been texting but I'm still nervous. I am snapped out of my thoughts by Josh knocking on my door.

Josh- Simon, are you up?

Simon- Oh, yeah I am.

Josh slowly opens the door and looks at me.

Josh- Don't be nervous mate, just be yourself and everything will be fine, I'm sure of it.

Somehow Josh knew exactly what was on my mind, I was really lucky to have a friend like him especially with JJ still out in LA, but he hadn't done much to calm my nerves.

Simon- Idk, I've never felt this way before about anyone, and I don't want to be to forward or rush things since we've only met each other once, I'm afraid I'll scare her away.

Josh- If the feeling you guys had is still there, everything will be fine, but we've gotta get going.

Freya- (Yelling up to us) Come on boys we've gotta get going!

Josh- Coming!(he yells down to Freya). You ready?

Simon- I guess so.

We all hop in Josh's car and set off for Nia's.

Talia's POV:

Nia's party is in full swing and everyone is having a good time, all of a sudden I feel a tug on my shoulder and I turn around to see Freya.

Freya & Talia- Hey beech!

We embrace quickly before I remember she was coming with Josh and Simon and I quickly start scanning the room for him. Freya notices it and giggles.

Freya- He's over there babe.(She points towards him)

I follow her point and I see him, he looks as incredible as he did the first time I saw him. As I'm looking at him, he turns and looks back at me as our eyes lock, I immediately smile and blush as he does the same, and I walk over to him.

Simon's POV:

We arrive at Nia's party and Freya immediately breaks off from us to go find Nia and the girls, and me and Josh go and grab our drinks. After a few minutes me and Josh are standing around before I see him quickly look at someone behind me, he taps my shoulder and tells me to look behind me, and I see her, I immediately smile as our eyes lock. I had almost forgotten how absolutely gorgeous she is. I than notice her walking towards me, "oh shit okay Simon don't say anything stupid".

Talia- Hey! Simon it's great to see you again!

She comes in for a hug and I hug back, it felt perfect, just as perfect as it did at Wireless.

Simon- You too Talia, you look beautiful btw. (Shit, was that to forward)

Talia- Thank you Simon, you look really good as well.

She blushes at my compliment, thank god.

Talia's POV:

He called me beautiful! I have to keep back showing all my excitement, but I can't hold back my smile and I blush exponentially. I was so relieved that nothing had changed over the last month.

Simon- Could I get you a drink?

Talia- Yes please, thank you Simon.

He walks to pour me a drink and comes back with it a few minutes later.

Talia- Thank you.

Simon- No problem.

We both stare into each other's eyes, it didn't feel awkward though, it was amazing.

Me and Simon we're together for the rest of the night dancing and just having a great time, as the party is coming to a close Freya and Josh come over to us to grab Simon, but Simon offered something to me first.

Simon- Hey Talia, do you wanna share a cab back to the Sidemen house and than we can get you a ride from there?

Talia- Yes! That would be great.

I'm so excited, I'm going to his house!

We go over to Nia, hug her and say goodbye, and before I turn around to leave she looks at Simon and back to me and winks at me, I let out a small giggle before Simon looks back at me.

Simon- Ready to go?

Talia- Yep, lets go.

We head downstairs with Josh and Freya and get in separate cabs, so I'm on my own in one with Simon, he gives the driver directions to the sidemen house. After a few minutes I start to fall asleep in the backseat which I usually do when I'm not driving at night, and Simon taps my shoulder to tell me I can lean on his shoulder if I want. I smile and nod my head and cuddle up to him and rest my head on his shoulder before I fall asleep.

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