Chapter 38- Hello 2019

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Simon's POV:

Tonight was the Sidemen New Years Party, the last one we would be hosting at the Sidemen house so it's a pretty big deal. Talia was of course coming so I was stoked about that, than she would be staying for a few days. I was setting up the Sidemen Party with the boys and getting everything ready for people coming. Freya was here already and Talia just texted me saying she was going to start getting ready and she would be there soon. People started arriving before we knew it and the party was in full swing. I was catching up with the Cal's when I see Talia walk in and we lock eyes. She looked incredible, and very sexy. She went over to hug Gee and Freya and than came over to see me. Lux and Freezy winked at me before heading over to JJ.

Talia- Hey Si.

Simon- Hello Gorgeous.

She giggled before leaning in for a kiss as I wrapped my arms around her.

Simon- I'm really glad your here, I've missed you this past week.

Me and Talia hadn't seen eachother since the 22nd because of Christmas. It was really hard being apart from her for that long but it was nice seeing my family, hopefully one day I can see her and my family for Christmas.

Talia- I missed you too.

She dug her head into my chest as we danced along to the music as a slow song had just come on.

A few hours later.....

Talia's POV:

The rest of the night had gone by really quickly, and now it was almost midnight. Me and Simon had spent the entire night dancing, laughing, and yes maybe a little bit of making out, but now it was time for the countdown, and best believe I'm kissing my boyfriend at midnight.


As the countdown strikes one me and Simon both lock our lips passionately as we hear everyone scream "HAPPY NEW YEAR". After a nice passionate few seconds we break apart before going around and hugging everyone. 2018 had been one of the best years of my life. While me and Simon started dating in 2017 we became public in 2018, I got to go away with him a lot, we had our first anniversary, and so many other things happened. It's fair to say 2018 had been pretty good for Talia Mar all things considered.

About an hour later.....


By now most people had filtered out and the party was pretty much over. Me and Simon had headed up to his room and started to get ready for bed. I was in the bathroom taking off my makeup and Simon came from behind me and hugged me. I smiled and turned around and wrapped my arms around him and buried my head into his chest.

Simon- It feels really good having you back here.

Talia- There's nowhere else id rather be.

He picked me up and we started kissing passionately, he started walking towards the bed before proceeding to lie down as I felt something harden beneath me, a smile grew on my lips as I pulled down his pants and boxers and began stroking his hard dick. He began moaning subtly and he began undressing me. Taking off my top and bottoms with my underwear and began fiddling with my bra strap. I take off his shirt and we are both left completely naked. I moved his cock to the entrance to my vagina and slid it in. I began riding him as I was trying to hold back my moans.

Talia- Holy fuck Simon this feels so good.

He was trying really hard not to moan loudly too so we lock lips to help hold them back. I give up and just start letting out my moans, hopefully everyone had already gone to sleep.

Simon- T.. Talia I'm close

Talia- M.. me too, keep going this feels amazing.

I feel his cum shoot up inside me as mine drips down him. We both lay back on the pillows and cuddle up together, and kiss one last time before drifting to sleep.

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