Chapter 22- Guns and Roses Part 1

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PS- Decided to make this two parts as this was already getting really long so part 2 coming very soon!

Talia's POV:

Today was our last day in Vegas. We had an insane week partying and gambling and hanging out as a group, but I think we were all a little excited to go back home. Today we were heading to a gun range, which all of us were gassed for. None of us had ever shot a real gun before so today would be a first. It was a late night last night for all of us so it was a slow morning, to the point where everyone slept through breakfast, and had woken up just in time to have lunch before going. Me and Simon had been awake for quite a bit but we were just sat in the living room in our hotel room on the couch, cuddling and watching Friends. We had been ignoring our phones so people still thought we were asleep, it was a very nice morning. Though once the group chat started blowing up we decided to respond and start getting ready. We had our shower together which was becoming more of a usual thing and we loved it, before Simon got ready in the bathroom first since I take a lot longer. Once we were both ready we head out of the room and down to the lobby. When we get down there we see the rest of the group sat in the waiting area.

Simon- Sorry we were a little behind guys.

JJ- All good, we were starting to wonder what had happened to you guys. (He started laughing)

Talia- Nah were all good, just a late night last night so we needed the sleep.

JJ gave me a weird look as I just laughed and rolled my eyes at him. We all head out for lunch and than head out to the gun range.

*At the gun range....

We had arrived at the gun range and Simon and Josh had gone up to the counter to figure out the payment as everyone else was looking around the store. JJ came up and started talking to my camera as I was vlogging, I just pointed the camera at him and laughed at him. I noticed Simon looking over and smiling, I knew that he was really glad at how well me and JJ got along and I'm glad to, it makes things a lot easier. After paying and everything, we all pile in to a few golf carts and head out. In ours it was Tobi, Simon and I, and Tobi was driving and as me and Simon were walking along holding hands he ran ahead of me and hopped into the passenger seat.


Talia- Where am I supposed to sit than?

Tobi- There are seats in the back, or you can sit on your mans lap.

Simon- Nah, she ain't doing that. (He said jokingly)

Talia- What do you mean!

He gave me the look that he was joking but I just climbed in the back and held on, Tobi was a good driver anyways.

Simon's POV:

We were at the shooting range and everyone was taking there turns. I was sitting on our golf cart with Talia as we were waiting our turn. Talia agreed to film me taking my shots as long as I did the same for her, which I obviously agreed too. Before I knew it I was up. I went up and took all my shots as JJ was jokingly heckling me in the background, as Talia was giggling behind the camera. I was using the last gun I had to use and as I was going through my shots one of the bullet casings came back towards me and hit me right in the face, causing me to start bleeding. I gave the gun back to the man and went over to Talia, and it's good that she wasn't up next because she got worried when she saw the cut.

Talia- Omg Si, are you okay? (She started closely examining the cut and took some tissues from her pocket to clean it up.

Simon- Yeah I'm good T, thank you.

She hugged me tight while leaning her head on my shoulder, it was nice seeing how much she cared. Now it was Talia's turn to shoot. I grabbed her camera and started filming her shooting, and she surprised me with how well she did, she hit almost every shot. After she walked back over to me and I pulled her in for a hug.

Simon- You did so good T!

Talia- Thank you Simon. (She leaned in and kissed me as I kissed back).

Not much longer we were all finished at the shooting range, we got back in the golf carts and went back to catch the Uber that was waiting to bring us back to the hotel. I had a surprise for Talia tonight. Now of course we had spent every day together since coming to Vegas but we haven't been able to have a night out just the two of us, and since everyone else was packing tonight I thought tonight would be perfect, the only thing was I had to get Talia out of our room for a little bit to set things up. I messaged Freya the plan to see if she could help get Talia out of the room for an hour or two, she was always really helpful and she agreed to help out. Her and Talia were gonna go shopping so I had just enough time to do everything. Tonight is going to be amazing.

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