Chapter 10- Talia's Birthday Part 1

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Talia's POV:

I wake up in Simon's room and I just smiled because today was my birthday and I got to spend the entire day with Simon. I look over to him and see him still sleeping, he is so cute when he is asleep. I lightly stroke his hair and kiss his cheek before laying back down on his chest and drawing circles around his stomach. After  about a half an hour of this, Simon is still not awake so I decide to head into the bathroom and shower and do those things. I take off Simon's jumper leaving me naked as I hop in the shower and the hot water travels across my bare skin. I get out of the shower and dry myself off before I start to brush my teeth, I suddenly feel a pair of hands around my waist and I turn around and smile as I see Simon. He looked at my naked body before looking back into my eyes.

Simon- Damn T, your fit.

Talia (Giggling)- Shut up your so stupid. (I slap his arm lightly before he picks me up and starts spinning me around.

Simon- Good morning and Happy Birthday.

A huge smile spreads across my face and I lean in and kiss him passionately

Talia- I love you Simon Minter.

Simon- I love you too Talia Mar.

He sets me down and gives me one last kiss before letting me finish up in the bathroom, I put back on his jumper and walk out of the bathroom signally him to get in, he kisses me on the cheek as he walks by and heads into the bathroom to shower. While Simon is in there I get dressed and now I'm all ready for the day.

Simon's POV:

As I'm in the shower I start thinking about how excited I am for today. I have a whole bunch of surprises planned for her including her one big present she will get later tonight. Suddenly I hear Talia knock on the door.

Talia- Hey Si, Freya and Gee are waiting downstairs to give me there presents for my birthday, I'll be back up after okay.

Simon- Sounds good T, have fun.

I hear her close the door to my room and I continue in the shower, today is going to be good.

Around an hour later......

It's around an hour later and we're finally ready to head out. I have told Talia of the day full of surprises she is heading towards, she seems very giddy and excited as we hop into my Tesla. The first thing is I have set up lunch with her Parents. I have met them a few times and I have a very good relationship with her family so it wasn't hard. I am rubbing Talia's thigh before she looks at me and starts speaking.

Talia- Can you pleaseeeeee tell me the first surprise Simon?

Simon- If I told you it would ruin the surprise.

Talia- Buttttt Simonnnnn, I love you. (She said giving me the puppy dog eyes)

I sigh when I realize I can't resist her,

Simon- Okay but only this surprise, no others.

Talia- THANK YOUUUUU (she said before pecking me on the cheek), now where are we going.

Simon- Were going to your parents to have lunch.

Talia- Omggg Simon thank you so much.

She seems very happy with part 1 of our day, I use Siri through my car to send a message to Angele (Talia's sister) that we were almost there, and we continued driving.

Talia's POV:

We pull up outside my house and my mom, dad and Angele are standing outside and I run out of the car to go hug them as Simon follows behind.

Talia's Mom & Dad & Angele- Happy Birthday Talia!

Talia- Thank you guys so much!

Angele (Looking towards Simon)- Thank you for setting this up Simon. (She breaks apart from me and go to hug and greet him as my mom and dad follow suit).

Simon- Not a problem at all. (He says as he smiles at me.

I look towards him and smile, he was so good to me and he was such an amazing boyfriend. I'm glad my whole family loved him as much as I did and have basically welcomed him in as part of the family. We both had very great times meeting each other's parents and everything was going great. I mouthed at him (Thank you, I love you so much). It was true, I loved him more and more every day, I think he's the one. He mouths back "I love you too Talia". We head inside and my family gives me there gifts for me and we eat lunch, my mom had cooked up some Pasta and it was delicious. We had a great time at my parents but it was time to continue on the rest of the day Simon had planned out. We said goodbye to my parents and Angele and walked to Simon's car as he held my door open for me and walks around to the drivers side. Before he turns on the car I look at him to say something.

Talia- After that Simon, I cant wait for the rest of the day you have planned. Thank you so much.

Simon- It's never a problem when it comes to making my girl happy. (he smiles at me and leans in to kiss me, and I kiss back passionately as we kiss for about 5 minutes)

We break from our kiss and Simon starts up the car and places his spare hand on my thigh as we head off, I can't wait to see what's next.

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