Chapter 69- Telling Everyone

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Simon's POV:

It was about 2 weeks ago now where we found out Talia was pregnant, and besides our families we haven't told anyone yet, and we knew we wanted to tell our friends first. So today, our entire friend group is going out and hanging out in a park. The only time everyone had been together before this was on our wedding day and while this was going to become a more often thing, it felt like the right time, we also knew we had to tell the fans because Talia was already starting to show, so we had to do this. We had just arrived at the park where everyone was also there. The sidemen, Gee, Freya, the Cal's and Randolph. After catching up first we waited for the right time bring it up.

Simon- So, we have some news for you guys.

I smiled at Talia as I grabbed her hand and interlocked our fingers.

JJ- What is it?

Simon- Welll...

Talia- I'm pregnant.

The group went silent, before it turned into joy, as I heard Gee and Freya starting to tear up.

Freya- Omg! How long have you guys known.

Talia- 2 weeks, I started getting morning sickness during our honeymoon and I took it the day after we got back.

Ethan- Some mad tings happen on wedding night.

JJ- Yeahhhh, something went down.

Simon- Shut up (he said jokingly).

Talia's POV

Everyone laughed before we just continued talking and everyone was really happy for us. We hopped back in the car and drove off back home. Now the only thing left was telling the public. We had been given a estimated due date of August of next year so we had an idea for an instagram post, but we needed to make a YouTube video, because Simon has decided that until the due date, he will be uploading less, and than he may take a break in the weeks leading up, and after the baby is born, but continue doing Sidemen videos, of course if he is able too. We set up a camera in our living room, and started filming

*After recording

Simon stood up to turn off the camera, and we uploaded it right away. We both tweeted out the links and waited. I looked at Simon as he nervously just looked at his phone and was tapping his foot.

Talia- Don't worry Si, everything will be okay.

I crawled onto his lap and hugged him close as he pecked the top of my head.

Simon- Thank you.

I leaned up and pecked him on the lips.

Simon- No matter what the fans think, my priorities are you, and our child. Family comes first.

I smiled at him and tucked my head into his shoulders. Our phones started blowing up with notifications of mostly support, which was really nice to see, we than both posted identical Instagram posts and there it was, it's official.

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