Chapter 9- Telling the group

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One month later......

Simon's POV:

Me and Talia have been officially dating for a month now, and everything was great. We had decided to keep it a secret from the public as well as our friends for the time being, we didn't want anything to get in the way of us being together but I think we were close to being ready. She had stayed over at the house a few times but nobody knew, so I wanted to talk to Talia about it when she woke up. As I woke up from my own thoughts I looked down to see Talia cuddled right up next to me, I started brushing her hair and kissed her head subtly trying to wake her up. She slowly shuffled slightly to get closer to me and looked up towards me as her eyes open, my god she was gorgeous.

Simon- Morning beautiful.

Talia- (Giggling) Morning Si.

She came up to my face to kiss me before returning her head to my chest.

Simon- I know you just woke up but I wanted to talk to you about something.

She looked up at me concerned.

Talia- Everything okay?

Simon- Yes everything is great, especially having you, but I was thinking about us and I know we decided to keep it a secret from everyone but it's starting to get really difficult to hide it from our friends. I still want to keep it quiet online because I don't want you to get any hate, but I think we should let our friends know.

She looked up at me and smiled, climbed on top of me and locked our lips together.

Talia- I would love to tell them, how should we do it.

Simon- Well, I think we're all planning on going our for dinner tonight so we could come a little late, walk in holding hands and wait for JJ to say something stupid and than be like, yeah, we're dating now or something like that, whatever the right response is.

Talia- That sounds perfect to me, can I pleaseeeee tell the gals though? (She gave me the puppy dog eyes)

Simon- You know I can't say no to that. (I pull her in tight for a hug).

She giggles before quickly giving me a peck on the lips and jumping up and heading to the bathroom, she was just wearing my jumper with nothing on underneath, god damn she was sexy. She notices I was staring and turns around and laughs.

Talia- Hey Si, my eyes are up here you know.

Simon- I know, but I can't help my girlfriend being fit as hell.

She turns around and bites her lip before heading into the bathroom to shower. We had never been intimate in that way before. We've of course made out and had seen each other naked on multiple occasions, but were just taking things slow still. We don't want to rush anything.

Talia's POV

Me and Simon were about to head out for dinner, where we planned on telling everyone we're together. I had told Freya and Gee and they were very excited for us, Simon decided to tell Josh since he probably would of heard anyways and he could also cover for us if people started saying we were late. We hopped in Simon's Tesla and set off for the restaurant. I could tel Simon was nervous as he rubbed my thigh with his hand that wasn't on the wheel. I cocooned his hands with mine and looked up at him.

Talia- Everything will be great Simon, don't worry. (I said shooting him a smile, I knew he loved it when I smiled).

He quickly turned his eyes off the road to give me a kiss.

Simon- Thank you Talia.

I giggled quietly as we pulled up at the restaurant. We walked in hand in hand as we quickly scanned the room for our table when a worker comes up to ask us if we were looking for someone.

Simon- Were looking for a table that was reserved by Olajide Olatunji?

The waiter nodded and directed us to the room, we walked in and everyone looked at us and looked down at our hands. We sat down at the two spots open for us before JJ's snarky comment of the day came.

JJ- Oi man allow it, could you guys just get together already.

We smiled at each other before turning back to JJ smiling. We noticed Josh Freya and Gee were trying to hold back there smiles while everyone looks on confused.

JJ- Wait, you guys official now.

Talia & Simon- Yes JJ we are.

JJ- Shit now I feel like an idiot, nah man, that's cool happy for you guys.

The rest of the night was perfect, everyone was really happy for us and it was a huge relief not having to keep distance from each other. For the first time we could just be us with our friends. As we were leaving I didn't feel like walking so I asked Simon to carry me and he obliged, I wrapped my hands and legs around him and kissed him passionately. Everyone started complimenting us on how cute we are and I just blushed and dug my head into his chest. We got to his car and he put me in the passenger seat and went around to get in the drivers side. Somewhere on the drive home I fell asleep on Simon's shoulder, only waking up when he tried to pick me up and carry me inside.

Simon- Shit sorry T, I didn't mean to wake you up.

I just smiled at him before cuddling into his chest. He carried me upstairs and put me down as we got in his room so I could get changed and take my makeup off. I stripped down to nothing and put on Simon's jumper he had worn tonight because I love having the smell of him surrounding me and his arms surrounding me to sleep. I than crawl into bed but stay awake until Simon comes back so I can cuddle up to him and kiss him goodnight.

Simon's POV:

I went into the bathroom and was contemplating on something, Talia slept naked but I had never done it, I've always just slept in my boxers, but I was going to try it tonight. I did everything in the bathroom and stripped naked after turning off the light and I head back in the bedroom. I noticed Talia looking at me and looking down towards it. I thought it would be funny to reiterate the joke from this morning.

Simon- Hey T, my eyes are up here you know.

Talia- Oh shut up, (she said laughing) sorry Si your just fit.

I laughed and crawled into bed as she cuddled up next to me and I kissed her goodnight, I felt the urge to say something I've been wanting to say from the moment I met her, it just felt right.

Simon- Goodnight Talia, I love you.

I just put it out there, and I was really nervous on now she'd react, those immediately went away as she looked up at me and smiled.

Talia- I love you too Simon.

She pulled me in and kissed me passionately, we did this for about 5 minutes before she cuddled back up to my chest and fell to sleep. I loved Talia, and she loved me back. I feel asleep with the biggest smile on my face, next to the girl I loved.

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