Chapter 2- Wireless 2017 part 2

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Talia's POV

After I finish up all the brand stuff at Wireless I start head out looking for Gee and as I see her I turn my head slightly and I see this tall blonde hair boy from the back of his head, I hadn't even seen his face yet but I could already feel a vibe off of him, the feeling from early came back but stronger, I turn over to Dani.

Talia- Who is that? (I say pointing towards the tall blonde haired boy)

Dani- I have no idea.

Before I could reply I heard Gee yell at me.


She quickly snaps my stare as she runs towards me.

Talia- GEE!

We embrace tightly and hug for a long time.

Gee- Are you finished with the brand now.

Talia- Yeah I am, can I come chill with you guys?

Gee- Yeah for sure, come on Nia and Freya are here too.

I quickly turn around and say goodbye to Dani as she is leaving, and head over with Gee to the gals.

Nia & Freya- TALIA!

Talia- Hey gals!

We embrace quickly and start chatting before I look back over to the blonde haired boy and see him looking directly at me, my heart flutters and I blush, I see him quickly look away looking a little embarrassed. "Omg he's so cute" I thought to myself before I rejoined the conversation. After a few minutes I feel somebody tap on my shoulder, I turn around surprised to see Tobi.


Tobi- Hey Talia. (We quickly embrace) There's someone with my I want you to meet.

I look to Tobi's right to realize it's the blonde haired boy, he looks at me and smiles and I can't help but return it back, I stared and examining every one of his facial features and omg he was cuter up close.

Simon- Hi, I'm Simon!

Simon, I love that name, my heart is beating out of my chest I'm so nervous.

Talia- Hi Simon, I'm Talia.

We quickly embraced and even though it was short I felt electricity run through my body when our bodies touched, I didn't want to let go but I had only just met him, I didn't want to scare him off.

Simon's POV:

Talia- Hi Simon, I'm Talia!

Her voice was perfect, absolutely everything about her was perfect, she was gorgeous and she seemed really nice. I stood there and quickly took in all of her facial features before we quickly embrace, I never wanted that moment to end, it was perfect, it felt like she belonged there, but than we end our embrace and we keep talking. We hung out and talked the rest of the day, it was possibly one of the best days of my life, she is amazing and I feel like I am growing genuine feelings for her. Before leaving I make sure to get her phone number and Instagram and Snapchat so we can stay in contact.

Talia's POV:

Simon- It was really nice meeting you today Talia, I hope I can see you again soon.

Talia- I had a lot of fun to Simon, you definitely will be. (I smiled at him)

We quickly embrace but for a lot longer then our time earlier.

Simon- Goodnight Talia (He kisses me on the top of my head as we hug, I blush exponentially as I bury my head into his chest).

Talia- Goodnight Simon (I quickly peck him on his cheek before I walk away not to far before our hands break away) Make sure you text me I say as I turn around and head out.

Simon- I will don't worry.

I walk away smiling so much, Freya walks up beside me and I just look at her and I can't break my smile.

Freya- So, what do you think about Simon? She asks.

Talia- I really like him, and I think he likes me.

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