Chapter 51- Just the Two of Us

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Talia's POV:

It was finally time! Me and Simon were headed to Mykonos for our vacation. I was so excited and I had stayed over at Simon's last's night in preparation for leaving. We woke up early this morning so we could finish packing and get to the airport in good time. We arrive at the airport, check in and make our way through security and find our gate. We put our stuff down and sit and wait for first class boarding to start. It was probably going to be a long wait as we had gotten here very early so I rested my head on Simon's shoulder and fell asleep. Before I knew it I was woken up by Simon shaking my shoulder.

Simon- Wake up T, boarding is starting.

I slowly raise my head off Simon's shoulder as I stretch and yawn, and Simon offers me his hand to help me up and I accept. We head over to the boarding line and we get our ticket scan and head in. We find our seats relatively quickly as we sit down and get comfortable. Not long after the plane takes off, and me and Simon turn on a movie and we get brought our drinks and some snacks before our big meal later.

Simon's POV:

Not long into the flight Talia falls asleep on my shoulder, I always found it cute when she did that. I just continued watching the movie we out on which was 22 jump street and cuddle Talia. A couple hours later Talia is still sleeping and the flight attendants start coming around asking for meal orders. I lightly shake on Talia's shoulder trying to wake her up and she lightly stirs.

Simon- T, there coming around for dinner, what do you want?

I hand her the menu and she decides just as the flight attendant comes around, and not long after we get brought our food and we eat it up quickly. We ended up putting on another movie as she cuddles up and falls asleep on my shoulder again and I lean my head against hers and also fall asleep.

Skip to arriving in Mykonos......

Talia's POV:

Me and Simon had been woken up by the landing in Mykonos and we were now leaving the plane, we exit the airport and get in our Uber and set off for our place. Simon had basically rented an entire house for our vacation here, so we had a private pool right in front of the beach, it was going to be amazing. We arrive at the house and enter the door before heading to our bedroom and putting our stuff down. We head out by the pool and just stand there looking at the view.

Talia- This is going to be an amazing trip (I say as I wrap my hands around his neck and look at him).

He wraps his arms around my waste and pulls me in for a kiss,

Simon- It will be, and and the best part is that it's just me and you.

We lean up against eachother and stare out as the sun sets over the ocean, this was going to be an amazing vacation.

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