<🎊> Makoto x Reader (Happy birthday!)

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Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc
Inside the killing game
Event: Happy bday Makoto!

<(Y/N)'s P.O.V>

"Ugh..." I groaned. "Another stupid day in the stupid killing game..."

I got off my bed and changed. Well, technically, today is Makoto's birthday, but I don't really care. I haven't talk to anyone much, but I'm friend with Maizono.

She wants to prepare for Makoto a nice birthday, so I agreed. I was in the kitchen making a cake... but then.

"What are you doing, (Y/N)?" Makoto asked.

"Uh... Hina asked me to make her donuts... so uh..." I said, trying to avoid eye contact with the lucky student.

"Ah, I see... you must be good at baking then." He smiled. "Hey, can I help you with anything?"

Where is Maizono? She's supposed to distract him!

"Nah, I'm good by myself." I shrugged. "Say, why won't you go with Maizono?"

"Well, she said she have to go to the bathroom, but I'm hungry, so I wanted to go here."

"Well, get some food and... go back with Maizono!"

"Well, uh... ok...?" He stared at me for a while and get some snacks, and got out.

I sighed. He must've hated me now, huh?

After I finished the cake, I asked everyone to help me celebrate his birthday, well, except for that Togami guy...

I went back to my room and face-palmed on my bed. Not coming to his birthday, of course.

I took a nap and then...

*Knock knock*

"What now? Someone died?" I groaned and open the door.

"Makoto? What are yo-" Before I could even finish, he took my wrist and pulled me to the cafeteria.


"Well, I noticed that you didn't come, so I come to invite you." He said.

"Uh-um... well... I don't really need to come... I'd only cause trouble..." I muttered.

"Come on! It would be boring without you, (Y/N)" He pouted.


He smiled and pulled me inside the cafeteria, everyone was there, even Byakuya.

"Well, Toko was the one who invited him..." Makoto chuckled a bit.


"Well, I like your cake, (Y/N)!"

"Huh? How did you-"


"I see."

"Well, let's go, (Y/N)!"

And everyone had a great night, eating cakes, no Monokuma.

Well, Junko is acting a bit... strange, but I guess that everything is great.


Happy bday egg boi.

Another friendship chapter, because yes.

Words: 400


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