<4> NDRV3 x Suicidal!F!Reader

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it's somewhere at the end of the book with the title
| REWRITE | NDRV3 x Suicidal!Reader

<(Y/N)'s P.O.V>

"Hmm...." I was deep in thoughts about the situation I'm in.

A Killing Game, I see, I could use an advantage of this.

"Hey, (Y/N), are you going?" Kokichi asked, standing in front of the gym door.

"Ah, of course!" I said, and rushed out.

In that secret passageway, I know there's absolutely no hope in getting out. But this Piano Freak, Kaede Akamatsu have to chime in and encourage us.

But at least I can torture myself there, at least I can take damage without needing to reasonings.

After thousands of tries, we gave up. Kokichi kept bullying Kaede. But me, I want them all to shut up.

"Well, rememberers how many times that (L/N)-san save me? At least she cares, not you!" Tenko shouted.

Ah shit... why did you have to involve me?

"Oh, (Y/N)-chan? Like she cares, she's obviously lying and all." Kokichi smiled.

I just stand there, waiting for the stupid argument to complete. At the end, it took so freaking long. So I decided to went up instead.

Is it nighttime yet...? Nah, didn't hear the bell.

I shrugged and got to the dining hall, and grabbed a knife.

I quickly gone back to my room, scared that the others would ask me why the hell did I carry a knife.

As soon as I got there, I slammed the door, and pulled out my knife. Sending a few cuts on my skin, it felt so great.

I always wanted to do this when I'm at home, at least, before I got here. I got some suicide attempts, yes, I did, I did cut my arm too. But my mom have to always figure out!

Don't she have something better to do?

But finally, in this Killing Game, I could do whatever I wanted to do. No one will stop me. Monokuma like this, doesn't he?

I cut my arm for a bit more. The pain feels nice. But I guess it's time to stop.

I put the knife on my desk and began to sleep.

Ding Dong. Bing Bong

"Ugh..." I groaned. "How annoying can this be?"

I got off my bed, and took the knife. I sat on a corner and begin cutting myself. Pink blood dropped on the ground. Now I was just hoping that Kirumi won't clean my room, cause there's blood all over.

Ding Dong. Ding Dong.

"Who is it?!" I shouted.

"(L/N)-san! Come with us for breakfast!" It was Angie.

"Nyeh..." I can hear Himiko sighing.

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