<55> Maki x Reader

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Danganronpa V3
Inside the Killing Game
Gender: Neutral
Request by: fr1e (On Quotev)

If you have any questions about the Outside World and Inside the Killing Game, please read the announcement from Chapter <51> Gundham x Reader
Just because this was requested before that chapter came out, but I assume you already read it, so that's why I write this. (Only if you didn't tell me clear about the location)

I'm playing YTTD these days and hhhhh, its so good, and I love Sou so much!! I mean... who wouldn't... maybe there's a few people will hate him, but uh, I love him. Lol.


<(Y/N)'s P.O.V>
"Hey (Y/N)! You have to come out of your room someday! You can't just stay forever in there!" Kaito called out as I just stayed in my room, not moving any inch.

"I-I can't trust anyone here!" I shouted as I held my leg closer to my body. "Ignore them, let's just go, Kaito." I could hear Maki's voice, and they began to talk, but I couldn't quite hear it.

After that, you hear the footsteps of them leaving, and I just stand up from the floor, pacing around my room again. "God... why must this Killing Game happen all of a sudden?" I asked myself as I grabbed a lock of my hair.

I'm pretty paranoid about everything, and always scared that I'll die anytime soon. I mean... no one wants to die... right...? After that, I just wanted to go to sleep and forget all of this ever happened. Despite of the hunger... too...

<Maki's P.O.V>
Finally I convinced that idiot to leave (Y/N) alone... but honestly, I cared about them too... I don't know why I do, but I just did. What do I do? What's this weird feelings that I have these days?

I decided to shake off the feelings, and continued on with my day... but of course that I'm worried. Finally, with all of my might, I knocked on their door.

"Go away Kaito... I said I'm fine..." I could hear (Y/N)'s voice, and I just sighs. "It's me, Maki... if you won't get out of that room then I'll force you to." I said bluntly as the room stayed quiet.

"What are you going to do? Haha... everyone is trying to kill me!" (Y/N) shouted as I rolled my eyes. "So what if I'm not? I mean, I'm just checking..." I said and held my pigtails hair, and they stayed quiet again...

"Hey (Y/N).... please... just get out of there, everyone is worried." I told them again and leaned on their door. But after a awkward silent, I just assume that they wouldn't come out, and prepare to leave.


"Maki..." I turned around to meet their (E/C) eyes... so beautiful... "Y-Yes?" I stutters, but when I noticed, I quickly covered my mouth.

"Oh... um, can you stay...? I mean... I'm feeling a bit lonely too..." They said as I just slightly nodded. After that, we both entered the room and they just sat on their bed, and look at nothingness.

"Are you hungry? I suppose I can make you something..." I suggested as they nod slightly. "O-Ok... but... can I come with?" They asked as I just nods.

Both of us moved to the Dining Hall and I just entered the kitchen. Though it has been a while since I'll cook, but I can if I try... but sometimes (Y/N) would show up in the kitchen with a concerned eye... like they meant something...

"Hey (Y/N)... are you scared that I'd poison your meal?" I asked as (Y/N) flinched a bit. "O-Of course not! Why would I think like... that...?" They asked nervously and gripped into their shirt.

"Look... (Y/N)... I promise that I'll not do anything to you... (Y/N)... can you trust me?" I asked as (Y/N) slowly nods, and I just sigh in relief. "I'm almost done... so can you go out and wait?" I asked as (Y/N) just went back to the Dining Hall.


"Finished!" I cheered and prepared for (Y/N) a nice meal and bring it out for them. "(F-F/F)? How did you know?" (Y/N) asked as I just looked away. "Kirumi told me you'd like this... so..." I said and put the dish on the table.

They begin to eat the food, and smiles. "Th-Thank you Maki... I guess you're the only one I can trust... haha..." (Y/N) chuckled as they continued.

"Oh, it was nothing... I think that Kaito is right... you should go out more and... talk to me?" I said, half-questioned and smiles at them.

After eating, they decided to go on a stroll with me. I'm happy that they trusted me... though. "U-Um... I was just wondering that... um... why did you decide to hang out with me?" (Y/N) asked as I look into their direction. "What do you mean? I can't?" I asked as they just flinched.

"W-Well... I noticed that from the beginning... you didn't really talk to others and..." They trailed off with their own thoughts as I sighs. "Um... well... I just wanted to... I guess it's because you're not as annoying as Kaito...?" I accidentally turned my answer into a question, and mentally face palmed myself.

"W-Well... I'm glad..." (Y/N) smiled as I smiles with them. "O-Oh... um... so... you're the Ultimate Child Caregiver... right?" They asked as I just nodded. "Well... I just wanted to know more about you, sorry if I acted weird!" (Y/N) shyly said as I shook my head.

"It's alright, (Y/N)..." I said and they looked into my red eyes.

Why am I feeling this way again? What's happening? I blushed as they talk, and they're just concerned about me. "I-Is everything alright? Did I do something wrong?" They asked and leaned closer to me.

"It's alright! Jeez!" I blushed as I turns away from them. "Did I made you uncomfortable?" "No! I'm comfortable! B-But! Um...! I love you!" I shouted as (Y/N) stood in one place, their face have a hint of blush too.

"R-Really?" They asked as I nods. "Yeah... idiot... I like you... I can't believe I'm saying this..."

They suddenly hugged me, making me flinched a bit. "It's alright, cause I love you too!"


At first I wanted to do Kaito, buut, I changed my mind lol.

Words: 1100


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