<#3> DRV3: Boyfriend Scenario

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I was feeling uhhh... sad today, so have this thing.
Anyway, since I didn't have any more requests, I guess I'd make these scenarios. (Until I have one, I guess...)
Warning: Speaking of cutting, suicide, and others.

Scenario #3: When he found out you self harm.


<Rantaro Amami>
•You were in your room, with your knife.
•And you cut your arm over and over again.
•Same with saying you're not worth it for Rantaro.
•Rantaro wanted to take you to a coffee shop, so he came to pick you up. But after not hearing any responses, he got worried.
•He got the spare key to your house, and knocked on your bedroom door.
• "Hey, sweetheart? It's me, Rantaro!"
•You couldn't response, but you can only sob.
•He got more worried, and decided to open the door.
•It wasn't locked.
• "(Y-Y/N)... what are you doing?!"
•He immediately rushed to you, and grabbed the knife from your bloody hand.
•He hugged you tightly while crying.
• "Why didn't you say so more early?! I-I could've helped you! (Y-Y/N)... why? Please... don't ever do this again!"
•You nodded quietly, and he bring you to your bed.
•He bandaged your arm, and checked if there's any more injuries.
•He can't leave you alone since then.

<Kokichi Oma>
•You were distant lately.
•And Kokichi didn't really know why.
•I mean, you lied about every single little detail.
•One day, he saw that your sleeve has dripping some pink blood.
• "Hey... (Y/N).... what.... is that...?" He asks, pointing at your arm.
• "A-Ah... nothing... just some ketchup..." You nervously answered.
•He frowned immediately.
• "(Y/N).... why do you have to lie? You've been distant lately, and it have been worrying me!"
•You stayed silent.
•Kokichi quickly took your arm, and rolled up your sleeves.
•He saw the cuts, and his eyes started to get watery.
• "K-Kokichi... I'm..."
•You think of a lie, but Kokichi shushed you.
• "Why... did you do this...? Do you know how much I worried about you?! W-Why? (Y/N)... why...?"
•You've never seen Kokichi cried, really, so you're a bit scared.
•Kokichi hurriedly take a first aid kit, and tried his best to bandage your arm.
• "Please, (Y/N)... please, don't ever do it again... I don't know what to do without you! Y-you're the only one who understands me, (Y/N)! Don't leave me... please..."
•He hugged you tightly, and didn't want to let go.
•It's hard to leave you alone from then.

<Shuichi Saihara>
•He caught you cutting your arm with a razor.
•He quickly rushed to you, and grab that razor.
•Also hurting his hand...
•He hugged you tightly, but before you could say anything, he hurriedly grab the first aid kit, and bandage your arm.
• "(Y-Y/N)... why didn't you tell me...? I-I wanted to help you! Do you know how much it hurts to see you like this?! P-Please (Y/N)! Don't do it again! I-I can't loose you! I-I'm scared!"
•You hugged him, and he cried.
•You both went to sleep, but Shuichi couldn't sleep, because he was scared that you'd do it again.
•He was scared that you'll leave him.

•You didn't want to talk to anyone lately.
•And Kiibo wondered why.
•So he asked Rantaro for some advice.
•He told Kiibo that he should check on you more often.
•So he did just that.
•But then, one day, he found out you were sobbing in your room.
•He entered the room, and saw you cutting your arm, and blood was all around the floor.
•When you see him, you just hope that he'd be confused.
•You hurriedly gather you things, and ready to face Kiibo.
• "Ah... Kiibo... it was nothing, so um... say... do you want to-"
• "(Y/N)! Why did you do that?! I-I know I'm a robot! But I know what this means!"
•You couldn't talk.
•But then you ended up crying, and Kiibo bring you to the sofa.
•You explained everything to him, and he tried to understand.
• "(Y/N)... promise me you wouldn't do this again... You mean everything to me, (Y/N)..."
•He didn't want you to leave his sight, ever again.

<Korekiyo Shinguji>
•You had a diary.
•One day, he was cleaning the house, and get rid of anything that doesn't needed.
•He found your diary, but he didn't know it was your diary.
•So he flipped the page to see if it's important or not.
•And the first page he saw was you talking about your depression.
•He closed the book, and placed it back to where it belongs.
•When you came home, he asked you if you want to talk about anything. (You two live together or smth)
•But you just fake that you're confused, and ask him what's going on.
• "I found your diary this morning, (Y/N). Perhaps, you wanted to talk about it?"
•You froze.
•But then you cried, and Korekiyo hugged you tightly.
•You confessed everything.
•And even showed him the cuts.
•He was surprised, and decided to stay with you wherever you are.
•He looks calm, but on the inside, he is very worried about you.

<Kaito Momota>
•When he found you, he panicked, and threw the blade out of your hand.
• "(Y/N)! Please answer me! Please!"
•He didn't know what to do, and he hurriedly take the first aid kit, bandage your arm.
• "You... you're going to leave me now... right?" You quietly asked.
• "Of course not! You're the light in my life, (Y/N)! I will never leave you, (Y/N)!"
•He hugged you, and cried.
• "But please... don't leave me (Y/N)... it's... it's painful without you... I don't want you to be gone..."
•You nodded.
•He never leave your side after that. And always ask you to go out.

<Gonta Gokuhara>
•Oh boy...
•When he found you laying there, he is panicked, and went to get the first aid kit ASAP.
•He hugged you tightly after you woke up.
•And asked you what happened.
•You didn't want to tell him.
•But he already found out, so hiding isn't the answer, either.
•You explained everything to him, and he tried to understand.
• "Gonta will try his best to help (Y/N)! Because... that's what gentleman do!"
•But inside, he's freaking out, and wanted to go with you whether you go.

<Ryoma Hoshi>
•He is depressed, but he never attempt to cut himself.
•So when he found you, cutting your arm, turning the color to pink.
•He was scared, really scared.
•So he ran up to you, and took the blade away.
•He hugged you tightly, and didn't want to let go.
•You hugged him back, and begin to explain everything.
•He understands you, and promise to help you with your problems.
•You guys never left each other's side after that.


As I said earlier, I'd do random scenarios if there's no requests for me to work on, so yeah.

Words: 1186


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