<20> Male!Mukuro x F!Reader

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Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Outside World
Gender: Female
Request by: Rimarina (On Quotev)

So... the reader is pretty much oblivious, but yeh...


<Narrator's P.O.V>
"Ugh, I'm bored! So bored!" Junko groaned, as she sit up from her chair. "Mukuro isn't even here for me to kill him..." Junko gazes around her room, and got to Mukuro's.

"Revenge for not being with me, Mukuro!" Junko said, as she look through her brother's room.

After digging for a while, she opens a drawer, and found a note. It was locked with some sort of lock. Junko tried to find the key, but she couldn't.

"Tch, whatever, I can ask that Supreme Leader boy to do it!" Junko said, and bring the note book with her.


"Junko!" Mukuro called. "Yes, my dear brother?" Junko asked, eating her takoyaki. "Have you seen a dark blue note that have a lock on it?" He asked, looking at his sister pleadingly. "Nope! I never once entered your room!"

Mukuro just sigh, and went back to his room. Oh my, seems like it's his diary? Since when did he start to write diaries? Junko thought, but shakes those off to continue her takoyaki.


"This lock? Sure! I can help with that, Junko-senpai!" Kokichi laughed, and take out his lock pick set, beginning to lock pick the note book.

"Here you go!" Kokichi handed out the book to Junko. She begin to flip the pages, and read it out loud. "Aww, having a brother that always cares about me!" Junko said. "Buuut, there's nothing fun here! How despairing!"

"Really? Lemme seee!!!!" Kokichi whined, and snatch the note book from Junko's hand. He flips some more pages. "Hmm? Are you sure that this is boring?" Kokichi grinned.

"Yeah, duh! There's nothing good to gossip about!" Junko said. "Well... you're wrong!" Kokichi smiled. "He has a crush on this girl, which I think it's from your class too!"

That caught Junko's attention immediately. Her brother having a crush on someone? That's new! Junko quickly look that the book, and read the page that Kokichi just read.

Entry #137

I found this girl really amazing! She's from our class. She's always willing to help everyone! They adore her, but I think I had some other feelings for her... I think that her name is (Y/N).

"Omg! My brother had a crush on that hopeful (Y/N) (L/N)?!" Junko gasped. "Ugh, hope is disgusting! I thought that he were right for my standards! Buuut, this could be perfect for despair! I can't wait to see my brother fell into despair!"

"Nishishi~ Do whatever you want, Junko-senpai, I'll get going now." Kokichi picked up his lock picking tool and left.


"Attention, everyone!!" Junko shouted, standing up on the teacher's table. "What it it, Enoshima-san?" Makoto asked, as Junko look around the classroom. "(Y/N) isn't here?" "Oh, she went to help some of the teachers!" Yasuhiro said.

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