<5> Kokichi x Ultimate Assassin!F!Reader

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Warning: Spoiler for Chapter 5!! And contain swearing.

Pls read this! This is important for the plot!: Well (No Maki jokes, pls), you're the Ultimate Assassin, partner from a long time with Maki, so she respects you (very much). So she would protect you.

Danganronpa V3
Inside the Killing Game
Gender: Female
Timeline: Chapter 5

<(Y/N)'s P.O.V>

What...? Kokichi is the mastermind? No way...

"Hey you little piece of shit! How dare you lie to us?" I shouted.

"Ah, (Y/N)-chan being brave? I see, I see! But (Y/N)-chan, I am the mastermind!" He said as the Exisals still there to protect him.

I raged up and charges at him, but instead, I got picked up by one of the Exisal. And that's how much I can remember.





"Where the hell...?" I groaned and got up from the cold floor.

I noticed that I am in the bathroom at the hangar. But that isn't the problem now. The problem is Kokichi!

I noticed someone was outside, so I climbed up the bathroom window to see.

Himiko..! Just in time!

"Hey, Himiko!" I shouted her name.

"Nyeh?! (Y/N)?!"

"Yes, But be quiet! Now, can you please go in the Assassin's lab, and get me a crossbow? It's in one of the black suitcase. And don't forget the arrow." I say, making it brief, scared that Kokichi would come back. "Ah, please don't tell anyone!"

"Nyeh! But what do you need the crossbow for?!"

"I just need to negotiate with that little gremlin. I have no need to kill."

"Ok... I'll be back!" And she ran away.

I fell back to the walls, and soon, I heard the footsteps again. As hurry as I am, I got my head up and look at the window. But just the difference is that is Shuichi, not Himiko.

"(Y/N)?! You were here?!" Shuichi panicked.
"A-Ah- Shuichi... What are you doing walking around here?" I ask nervously, hoping when Himiko comes back, Shuichi wouldn't be there to see.

"Ah- I was just clearing my mind... Is there anything I can do to help?" The detective as as I shake my head. "I'll be okay. Just don't try anything stupid... Anyways, Kokichi will be back soon, so you'd better go before that."

I climbed back down, and try my best to hear his footsteps.

One the footsteps fade away, not so long, the real Himiko came back.

"Himiko! Do you get what I need?" I asked hopefully.

"Nyeh, yes, and I also gave you one arrow..." She said.

"Gosh, thank you, Himiko!" I smiled at her, and took the suitcase down.

I opened the box and began assemble the crossbow. Once I was done... I just need Kokichi to come back...






"Hello! My beloved (Y/N)!"

"Stay back." I say, raising the crossbow, aiming at his face.

"Woah! Wow (Y/N)! I could've predicted you have a weapon!" Kokichi smirked, and continued rambling on unimportant thing.

I got enough of him, so I aimed the crossbow to his right leg (Yes, I know it's right arm, but I want to change something...), and shoot it.

"He- Oww!!" Kokichi groaned. "Do you have any idea how hurt that was?!"

"Yeah, like how you hurt my friends." I shouted, charging at him. He wasn't really stable because of his injured leg, so I kinda have more strength than him.

But suddenly, the hangar's door opens, and... Maki?! "Wh-What are you doing?"

I has fast reflexes, and everything else, so I see that Maki also have a crossbow, and is about to shoot Kokichi... If I know her that well, she'd have put some sort of liquid to it. Maybe poison.

So as fast as I already am, I took Kokichi's arm and pulled him behind me. Making the arrow hit my left arm.

"(Y/N)!" Maki shouted, unsure of what to do. "Why did you do that?!"

"Ugh..." I held my left arm tightly. Yup, it sure have poisons.

"I-I'll go get the antidote!" Maki hurriedly ran outside.

Before I could do anything, Kokichi hand me a bottle.

"It's the antidote, drink it."

"How am I supposed to know you're not lying?"

"Oh, you won't believe me? Then it would be fine if I drink it, right?"

"Whatever, just hand it over." I snatched the bottle from him and drank it. It sure does feel better.

I pulled out the arrow. Ouch, the pain...

"Well..." Before he could say anything, Maki already there.

"I-I'm sorry (Y/N)! I couldn't find the antidote!" She cried.

"Nah, it's fine." I held up the empty bottle.

"Huh? How did you-"



"Nishishi~ Well, to be honest, I'm not the mastermind." He laughed. "But since my plan all fell apart, I guess I don't really need to act anymore!"

"What?! What about the Exisals?" Maki asked.

"The Exisals? Oh, this is Miu's remote, I asked her to do it before she dies."

"Anyway, the point is we're all save, let's just go back. And... I'm sorry for your leg..."

"This? It's fine, (Y/N)-chan, I can tend my wound."

And we came back to our room, and tended ourselves.

Next morning was quite confusing for everyone, but at least everyone is save, and they kinda trust Kokichi now. Well, not really. But yeah.

This ep is supposed to be romantic, but I was just out of inspiration. So fuck me?

Words: 850


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