<43> Kokichi x Depressed!Reader

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Danganronpa V3
Inside the Killing Game
Gender: Neutral
Request by: Just A Cosplay Weeb (On Quotev)

Warning: First of all: spoiler, second: angst.

This might sounds like Suicidal!Reader more... but don't sue me- I'm a fan of angst...


<(Y/N)'s P.O.V>




I counted as I cut into my arm over and over again. My life has been terrible... and now this?... I sat up, and tried to clean the mess that I made. I turned on the hot water in the bathroom, and began to wash my arm.

After washing, and cleaning everything, I just put my knife into my backpack. And hang it on my shoulder again.

Bing dong.Bing bong
"Another sleepless night..." I mumbled to myself, as I walked to the light of the dorm. It was pretty shiny, since there's window almost everywhere. I'm quite glad that there's no window in the dorm rooms, cause that might be a bit messed up.

"Oh, good morning, (Y/N)..." Shuichi said as I turned my back to greet the detective. "Ah... good morning, Shuichi..." I mutter, and walked outside of the dormitories. I looked around the sky, but it seems fake somehow... I mean, we've been here for quite long, but... it wouldn't rain? I like when it rains, it's peaceful... and depressing.

I continue my walk to the Dining Hall, and meet our still-surviving students. Himiko is talking to Tsumugi, Maki is in the kitchen, I guess, Kaito is looking around, and Kiibo is just gazing around the Dining Hall. Where's Kokichi?

Soon, the Dining Hall door opened, and reveal the detective. But that's about it. I remembered yesterday... Kokichi and Kaito had a fight, so I guess that could be the reason...

But when it comes to the questioning 'where is Kokichi?' Everyone just basically talk behind his back... it's wasn't nice... no, it isn't nice. I've experienced it myself before, and it's disappointing how Kokichi got treated like the same way. "S-Stop it..." I mutter, and everyone's eye looked at me. "Hm? What is it, (Y/N)?" Kaito asked.

"I said... STOP IT! Kokichi is a human being, just like us! Why would you do that to him?! Wh-Why must everyone be like them?! I thought you were better than that!" I shouted, wanting everyone just to leave Kokichi alone. Yes, Kokichi is evil, but maybe it's just his acting? Maybe deep inside, he's just a boy who needs someone to open up to him.... like me.

"(Y/N)..." Shuichi mumbled, and I just shook my head. "Just leave me alone already... bullies..." I mumbled the last word, and walked out if the Dining Hall. I couldn't take this anymore, I couldn't feel the crude, and just wait for someone to just kill me.

I walked to the Shrine of Judgement, the place were everyone hated so much. I walked inside there, and put down my bag, unzip it, and pulled out my knife.

I kneed down before the Monokuma statue, and looked at it for the final time. "Let me join you... Kaede... and others who has sacrificed for us..." I raised my knife up, but it didn't do anything, in return, I felt a warm hand touch mine, forcefully pulled the knife away. "Wh-What...?" I asked, and opened my eyes.

"Wh-Why did you do that?!" It was Kokichi... he was in a verge of tears, and he threw the knife away, hugged me tightly in his arms. "D-Do you know how much I will feel sad after you're gone?! W-Why did you want to do that?!" He shouted.

"I-I... I'm..." I was just speechless, and didn't want to really say anything. I hugged the boy back. It actually felt better... "Listen, (Y/N)... don't feel off about everyone... especially Gonta... you know... I felt guilty for what I did... I didn't want to do it! It's just... part of my plan..." Kokichi sobbed, as I just nod. "I-I knew you just needed someone to talk to, Kokichi..." I cried, and we continued hugging for a while.

"Say... do you want to talk about it...?" Kokichi asked as he pulled out. "No... I think I'm fine after the hug, actually!" I put on the fake smile I've always wore, but I received an immediate frown from Kokichi. He grabbed my shoulder, and grip it tightly. "You still want to lie to me, (Y/N)...?" Kokichi asked as I looked away from the boy. "I-I'm telling the truth, Kokichi!"

"If you keep bottle up your feeling, then this will never work, (Y/N)!" Kokichi shouted. "Why did you care for me all of a sudden?! J-Just leave me alone Ko-" "Because I love you, (Y/N)!" Kokichi blurted out, but after realizing it, he quickly turned away. "Do you know how it hurts for me to see you always having a breakdown after every death?" Kokichi muttered. "I-I just wanted to make you happy, (Y/N)!" Kokichi cried as the tears from my eyes fell too.

"Kokichi..." I muttered. "I-I love you too..." I smiled at the boy. "Really? I-I'm happy, (Y/N)...!" Kokichi said, and I smiled back. "Now, just... get back to our ow dorm rooms, alright?" I asked as Kokichi nods.

But as soon as I got there, I slammed the door, and fell on my knees. "Why did he accept me? He deserves someone better, not a burden like me..." I said, and get another knife, and pressed if on my skin. "He... He didn't need me..."

I cried as I made the cut more deeper, and cringed at the sight. "What will Kokichi say at this? Will he hate me?" I questioned myself, and by then, the room door opened. Why didn't I lock it?! "Hey, (Y/N), if you need to talk, I-" Kokichi pauses, and progressing was is happening in front of his eyes.

"K-Kokichi... I-I can explain-!" I shouted, but only to make the boy froze, and looked down at me.

"Kokichi..." I mutters, as he kneed down to my level, and picked up my arm. "Where's the aid kit?" He asked as I pointed to the bathroom. Kokichi stood up and bandaged my arm. "(Y/N)... I feel it's unsafe for you to be alone..." Kokichi said after bandaging my arm. "Is there anymore?" He asked as I shook my head. "Don't lie, (Y/N)..."

I gave up, and showed him the cuts on my other arm. It was kinda old, so Kokichi didn't have to bandage it. "When did it start?" He asked. "B-Before this Killing Game..." I answered, and Kokichi pulled me into a hug. "Please... It doesn't feel safe when you're alone anymore... do you need me to stay besides you, (Y/N)? I-In fact, I'll try to do everything to make you happy!" Kokichi said, and he cried again.

"I-I'm very sorry... but... just need to stay alive for me, Kokichi, it's all I needed..." I smiled through the pain, and I'm pretty sure Kokichi did too.

"Yeah... we can do this, (Y/N)..."


Hey Nai... I think this is part 3 on 'why you shouldn't murder'...

Oh well *Shrugs*

Words: 1217


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