<#2> DRV3: Boyfriend Scenario

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Hmmm.... I did this out of boredom. I swear, it's killing me, and I also enjoy making scenarios, so hey :D

Scenario #2: When he get jelly.

You were hanging out with your boyfriend, but then you met your old friend from your middle school. (I guess I'll be inserting random characters from DR1, 2 and 3)

<Rantaro Amami>
•You were walking with your avocado boyfriend.
•Then suddenly you met Byakuya! Your friend from the middle school! (Damn you, random generator...)
•You ran up to him, and greeted him.
•He wasn't really interested in talking with you, but he did anyway.
•But your boyfriend is a little bit jealous of the rich (bitch) boy.
• "Hey... (Y/N)... let's go home, alright?" Rantaro asked, and took you by the wrist, and dragged you away from Byakuya.

<Kokichi Oma>
•On your way walking with your boyfriend, Kokichi, you met up with your middle school friend, Nagito!
•You ran up to him, and begin chatting a bit.
•Sometimes he talks trash about himself, and make you comfort him.
•And Kokichi, he was really jealous of that, he assumes that Nagito just wanted your attention.
•After parting ways, he kissed you on the lips, and pouted.
• "(N/N)-chan! Don't talk to him anymore! Talk to me! I'm more amazing, right???"

<Shuichi Saihara>
•You met your middle school friend, Makoto, on the way with your boyfriend.
•You chatted with Makoto for a bit, but that makes the Detective felt lonely, and wanted you back.
•So he ended up dragging you away from the lucky student.
• "Sushi! What was that?!" You pouted.
• "U-Um... I just..."
• "Oh my! Are you jelly?? Ah! You're so cute, Shuichi!"
•Then you hugged the boy tightly.

•He's a robot, so he wouldn't feel 'Jealous'
•ANYWAY! I don't want any 'robophobic remarks', so move on!
•You ran into Miu when you walked back from Hope's Peak.
• "Hey, dimwit! I've added another function to your boyfriend! Have fun with it!"
•As she said, she walked away from you, leaving you confused.
•The next day, you were walking with Kiibo, and met your middle school friend, Kazuichi!
•Kazuichi was impressed of Kiibo, but you tried to not to mention him a lot.
•But for Kiibo, he felt... weird when you left him, and didn't talk to him anymore.
•But he decided to ignore it.
•When you guys parted ways, Kiibo begin to explains what he felt earlier to you.
• "Oh... jealousy...? I g-guess that was the function Miu was talking about..."

<Korekiyo Shinguji>
•Korekiyo isn't the one who gets jealous easily, but if they flirts with you too much, the he will.
You know where this is going.
•You meet up with your... friend, Teruteru.
•Of course you didn't run to him or anything, but he catches up with you.
•Just to be nice to your old friend, you talked to him.
•He inserted dirty jokes in it, and being the most oblivious as you are, you just laugh it off.
•Korekiyo is VERY uncomfortable.
•Like, he could use a seesaw rn-
•He decided to drag you away from the perverted guy, and bring you home.
• "(Y/N), I will not allow you to talk to that piece of a mistake anymore, I simply cannot!"

<Kaito Momota>
•You bumped into Hajime while walking with Kaito.
•You both had a nice talk, and discuss about the old days.
•But Kaito only stands there, and being patient.
•But jealously took over him, and he have to drag you somewhere else.
• "Kaito! I was talking with Hajime!"
• "I'm sorry, (Y/N)..."
• "Ooohhhh... are you jealous, Kaito??? You know that I will never leave you, right?"

<Gonta Gokuhara>
•I don't think that our precious bug boi can be jelly.
•I mean, he's too innocent.

<Ryoma Hoshi>
•You met up with Kiyotaka while walking with your boyfriend, Ryoma.
•He taught you about the Hope's Peak rules.
•You had the almost same talent as Taka, so you listened really carefully.
•But Ryoma was just standing there.
•Afterwards, you walked home with your boyfriend.
•But you noticed that he has been quiet, so you asked what was wrong.
• "Of course I'll never leave you Ryoma! I love you, and you should never forget that!"
• "Thank you, (Y/N)... without you, I don't know if I can live or not..."
•You ended up cuddle with him while watching TV.
•Yay! :D


Words: 742


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