Untitled Part 27

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"THE HELL?!" I screamed as I jumped up out of my bed and quickly smashed my fingers on the screen as I frantically typed. 

Me: What?! Why what happened?!?!?!?!

Stephen then went on to describe the incident with him and Dan. I was shocked, and I also didn't know how I didn't realize this before now. 

Then again, Dan has been acting differently...

Stephen: I thought I would tell you before I told Dan, that way you know my side of the story like you deserve to know.

I stared at the phone. I didn't know what to think, or even how to respond.

Stephen: I'm sorry that this is so sudden, especially with you being so new to the channel. 

Me: No no no!

Me: Don't be fucking sorry! 

Me: I'm just...

Me: I just don't know what to say..

Stephen: I just couldn't stay on the channel where I'm not appreciated.

Stephen: I wanted to tell you cause you deserve to know, and because we both know fans will be fans most likely....

I sat back. We both did know how many fans would be. 

Everyone who is involved in Danplan would soon be spammed with the same questions, demanding of their side of the story or an explanation of what happened.

Then there's Dan. 

I didn't want to think of the things fans would call and say to Dan... but I did have a pretty good idea.

Me: I completely understand where you are coming from. 

Me: But I need to hear this from Dan as well, you know that right?

Stephen: Yes, I know. I wouldn't expect anything different from you Y/n. 

Stephen: Just... 

Stephen: Just be careful 

Me: Thank you for telling me this.

Me: I will, thank you. 

I put my phone down and laid down. 

Could Dan do this? Was what Stephen told me true?

I was just talking to him not even five minutes ago. 

I sat up and grabbed my laptop and started messaging some animators that worked for Danplan. Then I texted Hosuh and Jay. I'd ask Dan about it next time we talked to each other because he was probably busy right now, but I knew I couldn't sit and do nothing. 

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