What the actual...

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Heya guys! Thank you for reading this story buuuut this story just wouldn't be a proper fan fiction without a content warning now would it? This chapter does mention anxiety attacks, I will put a bolded * to show where it starts and where it ends at so you can skip it if you'd like. Also I'm planning on posting a drawing up here of how I imagine Jessica to look like, should I? Let me know what you think! 

"I'm sorry..." He said once we got into a hallway where it was just the two of us.

"For what..."

"For keeping this going," He awkwardly shoved his hands in his pockets as he looked around. "I've felt like crap since our last conversation, then I remembered your performance was tonight so I booked a flight and got here yesterday and stayed in a hotel."

"Dan, I-" I began speaking but stopped. What was there to say?


"Dan! Are you fucking kidding me?!" I yelled.

"I don't know why you're so pissed off!" He yelled back.

"Maybe because I just got off the phone with someone else! How badly have you screwed these people over!"

"Can you just listen to me and let me explain!"

"Oh yeah! I'll just listen to you like I always do Dan! I'll just sit down and listen to you like always, and I'll never question anything you do! Just like every damn fucking time!"

"I'm not asking you to not question anything! I just want to explain to you my side of the damn story!"

"Fuck off Dan!" I yelled. Tears began pricking in my eyes. "Fuck off, never talk to me again! All these years of friendship are out the window, for nothing. I... I'm so sick of dealing with this..."

"Y/n! Please, don't make any big decisions before you know what my side is..." He was no longer yelling, but panicky.

"No... Dan I can't, there's to much against you Dan...I'm just sick of thinking so highly of you and every thing. I don't want to talk to you again," I hung up. I lasted only seconds before breaking down into heavy sobs.

Flashback over

I meant it when I said I didn't want to see or talk to him again. Didn't I?

"I don't want this to end... you're right. I can't explain my evil ways, or explain why I did anything like what I did..." Dan said, placing his hand on my arm in a comforting way. I pulled it from him and glared at him.

"Don't touch me..." I mumbled. He looked at me while looking sad.

"I'm sorry..." He looked away saddened, guilt began to fill me. "I don't know how I treated everyone so badly, I don't know what I did wrong..."

Was he really this stupid? Or was he being truly genuine?

"Dan, don't give me a sappy apology..." I said, though my voice shook with uncertainty. Was I being too cold towards him, maybe he truly didn't understand where he went wrong at?

"I'm not giving a sappy apology, I truly need your help in trying to help me know where I went wrong at," his voice cracked slightly, along with my heart. How could I have been so cruel towards him?

I stood there quietly staring at him, not sure what else to say.

"I'm sorry, this was a mistake. I should go. I should have expected you to not want to see me..." He turned around and began walking away but right before he could go I heard him say one last thing that killed me. "I thought I could save the last friendship I had left, but not even you would believe me. Maybe I am the monster everyone has said I am..."

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