The Quirk pt.2

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3rd person POV:

Akumu tries desperately to dislodge the knife from the wall as his father walks back to his chair with Akarui in his arms. Still very frustrated that his craving hasn't been met Ayat sits down with the toddler trying to figure out another way to get his firstborn to either get him more alcohol or to tell him where the stash of beer is. While trying to figure that out Akumu has actually made some progress on the knife at the cost of splitting his left hand between the middle and ring finger knuckles. filled with adrenaline Akumu finally rips the knife out of the wall and begins to try to sneak up to his father. Ayat notices a moment too late getting the kitchen jammed into his calf muscle. Dropping Akarui he rips the knife out of his leg and looks for Akumu who has successfully gotten his brother into a safe spot. Akumu checks his brother for anything too bad. seeing his brother's palm Akumu remembers how his mom helped him when he got hurt. He remembers two things, first is that she puts a band-aid on it. He didn't have any band-aids so he took his brother's shirt and covered it. he also remembered that his mom would also kiss it to make it feel better but he really didn't want to kiss the bloody shirt or the hole in his brother's hand.

Ayat POV:

When I find that fucking brat I'm going to kill him. Where is the little one? Dammit, he probably hid the small one. Whatever as long as he doesn't wake his mother up and he is alive in the morning then I can't get in trouble. He is my kid anyway.

Akumu POV:

My hand really hurt, but my head hurt more; Because my dad had been damaged he had lost his connection of memory repression to me so I had hundreds of memories of my dad hurting me and my brother while my mom was asleep. I realized that when mom said "don't give too much or he gets mean" she knew he had tendencies but had no idea about the abuse since dad was really good at not leaving marks. I knew that I should've gone and gotten mom but I felt really weird. even though I knew the damage that my father could cause I wanted to hurt him more because he hurt my brother. I make sure that Akarui is safe, then I decide that I will try to get mom but if I got the chance I would hurt Dad for what he did to Akarui. I look down and see that my hand is still split open and I want to scream it hurts so much more than earlier. I rap my shirt around my hand which makes it feel a little better. I walked in the shadows from the chairs in the living room and was almost to the hall when something inside me said "duck!" and so I drop to the floor and see another knife where my head just was. I stood up and my entire body said to lay down and sleep, but I am done with the pain, the fear, and the anger. I come out from behind the couch and see my father trying to stare into my eyes, so I avoid his gaze. I charge at him only to be stopped by extreme pain in my feet I look down and I stepped on the head of a screw. I can't hold it anymore I just want to see dad suffer for hurting Akarui.

3rd person POV:

Akumu looks up only to see the lights flicker and then all but a few go out. The room is cast into mostly darkness and the shadows in the room grow much larger with the direction of the lights. Akumu stands up with his head down. The only reason that Ayat didn't feel the vengeful aura surrounding the child is because he was completely drunk. However, everyone awake in that neighborhood could feel every single bad emotion coming off of Akumu like hundreds of tsunamis getting ready to hit land. Akumu looked up at his father and expecting the honey colors of his son was horrified to see that his entirety of both his eyes were blacked out with black even branching out onto his skin. After recovering from the momentary stun Ayat tried to suppress the bad memories only to be met with all the memories concerning him and his abusive nature nowhere in Akumu's head. having no success in suppressing the memories Ayat goes to hit Akumu only for his arms, legs, and neck to instantly be grabbed. Ayat tried to move to attack his aggressor only to have his right arm slowly twisted at every joint from his fingers to his shoulders. all he could do was watch as every part of his right arm is twisted off and left on the floor. Ayat could only whimper because his mouth was covered. Akumu walked over to his father and simply pulled him into kneeling; when Ayat kneeled Akumu pulled back a punch only for his hand to be covered in shadows. When the punch connected the shadows on Akumu's hand transferred all the negative energy into Ayat ripping apart every fiber in the man's chest and left arm. These shadows ran through his body destroying everything in their path until only his heart, lungs, spinal cord, and brain were left. Akumu walked up to what was once his father and said: "Now go away and never come back." not really knowing or caring if the blob could hear him. he watched as black tendrils materialized and dragged the blob into a pool of darkness.

Akumu POV

I couldn't feel anything until it was over, but when it was all over I was happy to see him go and felt that the damage was accurate. I went and grabbed Akarui and rushed him to my mom's room and started shaking her awake.

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