Chapter Twenty One

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A couple of hours later, Chester finally arrived at the destination. He was in the middle of nothing. Only fields and trees surrounded him and he stopped when he saw a small path to a house and a barn hidden behind the tall trees. There was a mailbox where the path met the bumpy road and Chester took a deep breath when he finally turned off the car and stepped out, scanning the area around him, with his gun in his hand.

He checked the mailbox for any reference to Anthony McCoy, but there was nothing. It had no letters inside or any name written outside the metal box.

"Maybe Romero was wrong," he said to himself, walking to the trees instead of following the path to the house.

Chester advanced through the vegetation, slowly and on alert, in case someone was there waiting for him. Leaving his car at the front of the house wasn't his best idea, but he was so close to the house, he couldn't go back. He had to see if Mel was there.

He stopped when he caught a glance of a dark blue car parked inside an old garage.

"There you are, motherfucker," he said to himself, feeling a new wave of hope and courage filling his lungs. "Here goes nothing."

He walked as fast as he could, crouching behind whatever obstacles he could find to hide his body. There was no need to get himself shot or killed by being reckless, and he still knew the police training and how to sneak into someplace in the quickest and safest way possible. If he wanted to save Mel, he had to get to her in one piece.

Chester entered the barn first and searched every corner for a sign Mel was there or has been before. But there was absolutely nothing there, besides animal foods and cages and other farming utensils. 

He left the barn and walked to the garage, checking the car's plate. It was the same as in the video, so they had to be there. He wouldn't know what to do next if they weren't. There were no houses, no cameras in the nearby area, so there wouldn't be any means to identify their location and how they left that place.

His hope was the house that seemed too quiet.

Entering through the front door was out of the game. He had to find an open window to sneak in, otherwise, he'd have to break a glass and making noises was the last thing he wanted at the moment.

So he walked around the house, carefully crouching every time he walked in front of a window, to avoid being seen. His hand would go up to his head and force the window to open. He had to do the same thing over and over again, and only at the sixth try, he found a window that gave in since the lock was damaged.

"Bingo," he thought to himself, as he peeked through the corner of the glass. There were no curtains, so he could see a bedroom completely empty, no living being nor any furniture could be seen. 

Grabbing onto de window frame, Chester jumped inside and once he was at the top of it, he got down slowly.

What he didn't know was that Tony was well aware of that broken window and he put some stuff right on the floor of the window to make noise in case someone tried to sneak in. He had some cans and marbles that fell loudly on the floor and rolled through the wood.

"Fuck!" Chester muttered, drawing his gun in case someone heard the noise. He stopped for a second, trying to feel someone else's presence, but he heard nothing. There was no one talking, no one moving and it was like the house was empty. Nevertheless, he waited for a minute and since there was nothing coming in his way, he continued his search.

When he stepped out of the bedroom, he walked through a corridor that led to the living room. There was a fireplace, a couch, and a dirty carpet in the middle and a dining table with six wooden chairs around it. There were no pictures or anything that could show who that house belonged to.

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