001 | Introduction To Abigail

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Hi everyone

I'm Abigail; Abigail Everleigh Lindsey is my full name, I'm the daughter of Detective Erin Lindsay, mum works at the 21st district in Chicago. Before she started in intelligence she was a patrol woman on the other side of town. Abby or Leigh are two of my nicknames which people often call me.

I'm really close with mum and I wouldn't have it any other way, especially after how my dad treated me when I was little; I'm lucky I don't have to see him since mum got full custody of me and because of what he did to me he was ordered to stay away. I don't care though I have mum, and Grandad Voight although he's not my real grandfather; he fostered mum when she was younger but i still class him as my grandfather.

I'm 17 and in 11th grade (I think that's right; I know if it's in the uk she'd be in year 12 also known as sixth form) I want to leave school already so I can follow in mums footsteps, I want to go to the police academy and train to one day become a detective exactly like her, that's all I want to do; i would get to help people and lock away the criminals, something that would make me happy to do.

What else would you like to know? Maybe what I like doing, i love making things, arts and crafts; mostly crochet, painting and colouring, I find colouring relaxing so that's why I say I like doing it.

I have a boyfriend, he's two years older than me, mum doesn't like him and I understand why, he's gotten me into things which I never thought I would do, drugs and underage drinking, I know I shouldn't do all these things but Drew, he makes me happy although he scares me too; but that's only when he's angry.

I guess that's all I can say, I don't want to give away too much of my story

Bye all

Abby.E.Lindsey x

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