008 | Day Seven

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Abigail's POV

Thursday, the day before I was due to give evidence in court, the nerves were building up fast, it was like my whole body was burning with nerves. Mum is finishing the final part of the case to find the killer of Juliet and I was so happy about that, they have the person who did it and all that was next was a final statement or whatever you want to call it. Today Lillie was coming round and Nadia had got time off work.

"You okay Abi?" Nadia asked coming into my room, I was laying on my back just starring at the ceiling.

"Hmm" was the only sound I made, it wasn't that I didn't want to talk but I couldn't explain how I was feeling because truth be told I was not feeling just one emotion..

"How about I get you a drink, you don't have to talk but I'm here when you do what to talk. Can you nod to what drink you want?" Nadia asked me and I nodded slowly.

"Chocolate milk?" Nadia asked and I shook my head with a no.

"Tea?"" Nadia asked and once again I shook my head with another no.

"Coffee?" Nadia asked while I nodded for a yes. I glanced my eyes over to Nadia who smiled and left me on my own once again. Mum must have gone to work early. Lillie was coming over at around ten which was probably a few hours away so I had to snap out of this mood or whatever you want to call it. I was full of so many different emotions which I didn't understand sadness, nerves, anger, worry; I didn't understand why I was feeling so much it didn't make sense.

"Coffee for two" Nadia said as she came back into my room with two mugs of coffee, she placed them on my bedside table as I pushed myself into a sitting position.

"I know your nerves are starting to get the best of you but I'm not leaving your side. I'm going to be with you through it all Abi' I promise" Nadia reassures me while I nodded slowly.

"I... I just don't understand why I'm feeling so many emotions" I finally spoke

"It's understandable; you are in court tomorrow to give evidence against someone you loved and thought loved you too. It's obvious you will be nervous or scared or whatever other emotions you are feeling. Your only human" Nadia comforts me, I hand her; her mug of coffee and then picked mine up.

"I don't understand all these emotions though. Nerves are one but I've got so many emotions going around my head, I feel like my head is going to explode, I can hardly think straight." I stressed throwing my head back onto my headboard.

"You don't have to understand it" Nadia pauses; we both sipped our coffee.

"Lillie will be here soon, we will take your mind off tomorrow even if it's for a few hours. We will order Pizza, talk, watch films. We will do anything you want" Nadia tried to take my mind off everything.

"Thanks Nads' you really are such an amazing friend" I smiled weakly, as I looked at Nadia I felt butterflies in my stomach, I couldn't be falling for her, that didn't make sense not when we've been friends for ages.

"Do I have to change today. I'd just like to stay in my pyjamas all day" I admitted finishing my coffee.

"We could make cakes" I smile happily.

"I'll text Lillie, her her to pick some ingredients up and some smacks" I smiled, picking up my phone which sat on the bed side table.

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