15 | Day Fifteen

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Abigail's POV

The next morning I was awake a lot later than I usually am, Mum and Nadia has both left for work and I was due at the hospital for a therapy session with Harper. It was 10:30 so I had two hours to get ready and head to the hospitals since my appointment wasn't until half one, I couldn't stop thinking about the pregnancy test, what do I do about it; do I keep the baby or get an abortion. Do I keep it to myself or do I tell mum. I had to do my research, I did my maths and I should be 10 weeks along unless I conserved before the rape, my last period was two weeks before hand so it could be possible that I'm 12 weeks along.

"What do I do" I sighed to myself sitting up in bed. I didn't know what to do at all. I was going to discuss with Harper about going back to school but not the pregnancy, I continued to sit in my bed as I continued to think, I had to get out of bed and pick a outfit for the day.

"I wish I could stay here all day" I sighed pushing back by duvet and continuing to sit on my bed, it seemed as today was going to be a down day. I slowly climbed out of bed and opened my wardrobe where I chose a simple pair of black jeans and a oversized jumper, I went to the bathroom and washed my hair and face deciding I would have a full shower tonight. I quickly dried my hair before brushing my teeth and heading to my room to get dressed. I finally picked my phone up once I was dressed.

From Nadia🥰😘

Hey baby, I didn't want to wake you this morning. Hope you are okay. See you tonight or later if you come by the District 💖 remember I love you xx

To Nadia🥰😘

Morning beautiful. It's fine. I must have needed the sleep. Got a session with Harper at half twelve and I'm going to discuss going back to school, I don't know if I'm popping by the District today, might just come home. I'll message you my decision when I've decided xx

From Nadia🥰😘

Okay baby girl. I love you lots xxx

To Nadia🥰😘

I love you more than Jelly tots 😘💛

After I answered the text from Nadia I did myself a bowl of lucky charms, I poured the cereal in and then the milk. I ate the cereal before putting my bowl into the sink. I made a mental reminder to wash it up when I get home. I collected my bag popped my phone into my bag and grabbed my car and house keys. I left the apartment and locked the door behind me before heading to my car. I climbed into my car and poked my house keys into my bag while I also pushed my car keys into the ignition. I turned the radio on and drove to med. I pulled into the car park at med and climbed out of my car...

I walked into the entrance and made my way upstairs and signed in before sitting in the waiting room, discreetly I rested my hands on my tummy, I wanted to know what to do. I always said I wanted my own children but what if I'm not ready; what if I go through the pregnancy and can't cope with the baby because it reminds me too much off Drew, what do I do then...

"Mom why do I have to come here?" A young girl who looked no older than 12 asked, she was only a child and been through god knows what.

"Skye you need to talk to someone about all your feelings. Just give it a try princess" the young girls mom told her daughter. I sent a small smile in the direction of the mother and daughter, it made my thoughts spiral around my head, thoughts about us I would be a good mother, if I should become a mother.

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