004 | Day Three

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Abigail's POV

A week had passed since the whole sexual assault and I've hadn't left my room. I've been skipping school but only because I can't face to even leave the apartment. Drew has been charged and were just waiting for the court date for the sentencing which I'm terrified about. I'll have to tell my whole story in court and that scared me the most. Other girls have also came forward admitting what Drew has done to them and they have to appear in court too; however he didn't sexually assault them, he just mentally and Physically abuser them. Mums informed school why I've not been in and explained it will take time for me to get back to school, I've came to face the facts I may have to re-sit my final year of school because of this, I mean my mental health has to come first especially right now.

"Abi' princess, Lillie is here, she wants to see you" I heard mums voice as I was curled up on my side laying on my double bed, I was starring at at my marshmallow coloured wall. I didn't want to see anyone although Lillie was my best friend.

"Tell her I'm fine" was all I mumbled, I wasn't ready to see her, I felt bad for always asking her to cover for me when it came to Drew.

"It's fine Erin; I understand Abi' needs time. I just want her to know that when she's ready to talk I'm here for her.. she's my best friend and I want her to know that" I heard Lillie tell mum right after I had told mum that I didn't want to see her.

"She knows that Lillie, it'll take time. The healing process is the longest but I'm hoping after the court date it'll be easier for her" mum explained to my best friend who agreed with her. I soon heard the door to the apartment shut and I assumed Lillie had left. I let a tear roll down my cheek as I felt bad for ignoring my best friend.

"You going to eat something Abigail? You've not eaten since last week. It's not good for you" Mum asked sitting on the edge of my bed and running a hand through my hair.

"Not hungry" I mumbled shaking my head, I felt physically sick with myself, with the fact I let everything happen to me. I couldn't eat, I could barely stomach drinking water.

"Okay, just come out if you want" mum sighed softly. I quickly wiped my eyes as tears began to escape my eyes; I hadn't even realised I was holding them back until they started to fall. I closed my eyes to try and stop myself from crying but that didn't work so I just let them fall.

Erin's POV

I hated seeing Abigail so broken; she hadn't eaten anything since the pizza we had when we were watching the films last week and she's only drinking a small amount of water a day; I was worried. I know she loved Drew and thought he loved her too but he has broke her. Lillie came round to see Abi today but she wouldn't even leave her room to see her best friend which was once again not like her..

"Okay, just come out if you want" I sighed softly when I had asked if Abi was going to come and get something to eat, she once again said no but I can't force her to eat. I keep checking in on her to see if she's okay, she's either laying on her bed facing the wall or she's sat on her bed staring off into space. As I made myself a coffee their was a knock at the door,, I walked to open it to reveal Hank.

"Came to see how you and Abi are" he smiled genuinely as I invited him in.

"I'm worried about her Hank; she's not eating and hardly drinking, she doesn't leave her room, she's been having nightmares almost every night and she cries herself to sleep. It's horrible to see her broken" I almost cried myself as I explained myself.

"He'll get what he deserves. Maybe some counselling would help Abi? Or even talking to someone who's not you" Hank suggested, I knew he was right about both things, he was right about Drew getting what he deserves and right about getting someone to talk to Abi, the thing is I can't force her to talk.

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