016 | Chapter Fifteen

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LaurenLove18 helped with this chapter

Abigail's POV

It was the next morning and mum had got the morning off, it was just a paperwork day so Grandad Hank said she could take the whole day but mum said she would come in and do paperwork at the district. I climbed out of bed and opened my wardrobe pulling out a black pair of ripped skinny jeans, I pulled a white cropped hoodie from my wardrobe too, finally I grabbed my black leather jacket, i placed my jacket onto my bed along with a pair of socks before I chose what shoes to wear, I eventually chose my black ankle boots which I placed in my bed too. I took my underwear and outfit to the bathroom and locked myself in, I turned the shower on as I placed my clothes into the toilet seat lid...

I removed my pyjamas and popped them in the wash basket. J popped my hand under the shower and checked to see if the water was getting hot and it was so I climbed into the bathtub and stepped under the steamy water and let the water just hit my head and run all the way over me. I took slow and steady breaths to try and relax my mind. I knew I wasn't going back to school today and it was just a discussion about coming back and trying a day at a time. Eventually I reached for my shampoo and conditioner to wash my hair before I moved on to my body. I rinsed odd all the soap from the body wash and shampoo...

Once I had washed I turned the shower off and climbed out of the bathtub, I wrapped my lilac towel around myself and stood looking into the mirror above the sink, my black bags around my eyes were still going strong; nothing but a bit of concealer won't fix. I knew I needed to get more sleep, I was tired a lot but that could also be because I'm pregnant.

'I will get better' I whispered to myself before I began to dry myself, I wanted to convince myself that I will get better, that i won't be stuck in this low mood forever but I didn't believe myself, I knew it would be awhile untill I was my old self but then I had to put up with some good and some bad days. I dried myself before pulling on my jeans and my cropped hoodie on. I put my towel onto the wash basket and unlocked the bathroom door.

"Good morning baby" Nadia smiled as I left the bathroom. I shot a smile over to her.

"Good morning gorgeous" I smiled going over to her and wrapping my arms around her, I rested my head against her forehead as I looked into her eyes with a smile on my face.

"How you feeling today?" Nadia asked me while I didn't move.

"Nervous about sorting school out. But I'm great. Feeling better in myself and I have you, Mum and grandad Hank to thank with that" I lied, it may have only been a half lie but it was still a lie, I did feel bad about lying but the therapy is meant to be helping so I couldn't let on that I was still really low.

"That's good baby" Nadia kisses me gently, her lips were soft against mine, it continued to feel like we were the only two people in the world, that feeling never gets old. The pair of us finally pull apart.

"I better go finish getting ready, aren't you going to be late?" I asked Nadia who shook her head.

"Erin said she would drop me off on the way to the school. Thought it would help you stay calm before heading to the school" Nadia informed me, it made me feel a little happy that I had people to look out for me.

"Thank you" I whispered giving Nadia another hug before heading into my room. I sat down on my bed and slipped my socks on before my ankle boots, I went over to my vanity and sat down before quickly blow drying my hair, I left my hair down before flipping my hood of my cropped hoodie onto my head and slipping my leather jacket on and then flipping my hood back down. I stood up in front of my full length mirror and looked myself up and down, I was lucky I didn't have a baby bump so none would find out about the baby, just yet.

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