005 | Day Four

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Credit for some of this chapter goes to LaurenLove18 she helped with some of Jay's POV and I can't thank her enough for helping so make sure you go and check her out Honestly if it wasn't for her I wouldn't have got a chapter out

Also instead of a picture at the top this chapter it's a song, welcome to wonderland. It's my new favourite song and I thought for some reason it went well with this chapter.

Skyee xx

Abigail's POV

The next morning I decided I was going to go to the district with mum. i didn't care; even if I had to sit in the break room all day, at least I knew I would be safe and Drew's uncle wouldn't be able to get to me. I was taking my laptop and art book which I had packed both into my school bag which I was using to take my things to the district today.

"Abi' were leaving in ten; make sure you have everything you want to take with you" mum called from the other room as I was sat on my bed preparing myself for the first time I've been to the district since I reported Drew. The first time mums been back to work since then too; she wanted to keep an eye on me. I climbed from my bed and grabbed my coloured pencils and my pencil case and shoved them into my bag. The last thing I needed was my water bottle from the fridge.

"Just got to grab my water bottle then I'm ready" I informed mum as I made my way to the fridge, Mum was making sure she had everything too.

"Come on the princess let's go" mum smiled once I popped my bottle into my bag, I joined mum as we left the apartment building and went to her car, I was continuing to look over my shoulder anxiously, I wasn't confident that I wasn't going to have a panic attack or i wasn't going to have a break down but I knew i would be safe with mum and I'd be safe in the district. I sat in mums car and waited for her to start the engine, once we had both got our seatbelts on that's what she did; she started the Engine and we were off to the district. As mum drove away from the apartment I felt my anxiety strengthening, I felt like I was being watched, I was being watched by Drew's Uncle, that scared me, if he was truly watching me does that mean he knew when I was sleeping, eating and even getting changed?

"It's okay Abi, you know that right. Your safe" mum reassured me probably senseing my anxiety and me worrying.

"I know mum; I know Drew isn't wandering the streets and hopefully won't be any time soon. I know the court date will decide if he's sent to prison or not but the fact I'm safe doesn't stop me worrying at all. I wish it did but the truth is I'm still scared, I still see Drew every where I go, I still love him and I don't know why, he hurt me and I still love him. How stupid is that. Maybe all this is my fault, my fault for staying with Drew even after you warned me about him. After you told me he wasn't right for me" I ranted expressing the fact I felt so stupid to mum, I couldn't help but feel this way, was it wrong to still love someone who hurt you?

"That's not stupid Abi' Drew made you happy and he made out he loved you, you don't just stop loving someone when they've hurt you so much like Drew has down, even at the beginning of your relationship I knew he was hurting you; maybe not sexually but he was physically and Emotionally hurting you. None of this is your fault Abigail, I mean it. You didn't know any of this was going to happen none did" Mum glances over to me as she continued to drive.

"After everything he put me through I would have thought i would have hated him so why don't I" I mumbled confused as to why I felt the way I do.

"I can't answer that princess but with time you hopefully wont feel like this. You will get through this and I'm not letting you go through it alone. You never are going through hard times alone. you have me and the whole of intelligence. Remember that Abi" mum placed her hand on mine while she continued to drive, we were almost at the district.

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