002 | Day Two Part One

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⚠️ mention of rape, abuse and sexual assault⚠️

I know Rape&Sexual assaults isn't a joke, I'm not trying to make it one. I'm hoping by writing this sort of storyline that if anyone reads this book it will help them if they are ever in the situation, remember you are not alone

Skyee x

Abigail's POV

The morning came around and I woke in the spare room of the apartment what belonged to my boyfriend. Tears began streaming down my cheeks as I remembered what happened what had happened that night. I was glad to be on my own, I didn't want to face Drew or even anyone at all; the only person I wanted right now was my mum, she was the only person I needed. With the tears streaming down my cheeks I quickly bagged the clothes from last night, I knew if I was going to report Drew I'd need the clothes so it was a good idea to bag it up, I grabbed my other things I needed and then quickly got dressed into my black leggings and simple back tank top which was in the draws in the spare room and left the apartment. It was 8am which meant mum would almost be at work, i got into my car which I got when I turned 16.

"How could I let this happen to me" I sobbed sitting in my car. Maybe drew didn't love me, he was just using me. I took slow breaths to calm myself down. I had to skip school again, I couldn't face going to school today, I had to talk to mum. I started the car engine wiping my eyes as tears fell again, I had to stop crying but I felt broken. I drove to the district and parked outside, sitting in my car I let the tears I had held back for the drive fall again.

"Pull yourself together Abigail" I mumbled to myself, I climbed out of the car and locked the door. As I stood by my car I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Ignoring the message I took another deep breath and walked over to the entrance of the district,, I walked up the stairs and over to Trudy at the front desk, my face was red and puffy from all the crying I had done.

"Abi' are you okay?" Trudy asked me as she looked up.

"I'm, I'm fine. Thanks trudy" I paused continuing to hold back my tears back.

"Is my mum here; I need to talk to her" I wiped a stray tear from my cheek, I tried to hold my tears back but the memories from last night continued to flash back into my head, I was scared to talk about what had happened, I knew what Drew was capable of however I didn't know if was actually capable of hurting me; yeah he's hit me before, face me black eyes, broken nose. He's covered me in bruises too but would he actually go further as to hurt me if I told mum what he's done to me.

"I'll buzz you up." Trudy fave me a small smile. I nodded and headed to the gates which lead up to intelligence. As I got to the gates Trudy buzzed me through and I opened the door; I walked through the door and up I walked. I heard everyone talking which sent me back to last night once again, my heart racing in my chest. Standing on the stairs I leant against the wall taking a slow breath before trying to push the night and the memory's to the back of my head; just so I could talk to mum. I took another deep breath and made my way up the rest of the stairs.

"Abi; what are you doing here; why aren't you in school.?" Mum immediately asked as she saw me. I felt my hands become clammy and and my heart race once again, tears welling up in my eyes as I tried to find my voice.

"I..." was all I could say before I couldn't hold the tears back any longer. I fell to my knees as I let out a sob; I flinched as mum wrapped her arms around me.

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