006 | Day Five

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Erin's POV

Shock, that's what I got when Kelly Severide asked me on a date; I still had feelings for Jay but it won't work with us working together; if one of us left intelligence then maybe we would work out but we agreed to just be friends so that's why I agreed to go on the date with Kelly. I had asked Hank if Abi could stay with him for the night, I asked as soon as I agreed to go on the date with Kelly. I walked to Hanks office door and knocked on the door, I saw him look up and motion for me to come in. I opened the door and stood by the door

"I've just came to see if  Abi is still alright to stay with you tonight?" I asked Hank, Abi doesn't like being on her own lately, I've realised that since she found out about the court date. She's came to work with me every day even though it's only been two days..

"Of course it is; i still have your old room; she likes staying in their when she stays round" Hank told me which made me smile, she was kind of like a mini me, their were some differences but with most things we were the same.

"Mum can I borrow your car please; I forgot my laptop and I thought about doing a essay tonight while staying with Hank, get the practice in for school" Abi asked me as I left Hanks office

"Go on; be careful" i walked to my desk and grabbed my keys, I gave them to my daughter.

"I'm always careful mum" Abi grinned happily taking the car keys, she grabbed her leather jacket from my chair and threw it on before she made her way towards the stairs. I hadn't seen her happy like this for a long time, yeah she'd been happy but it's been worse since everything with Drew. I liked seeing her happy. I watched Abi disappear down the stairs as she left intelligence.

"You alright Erin?" Adam asked me, I nodded smiling.

"I'm great; I love seeing Abi happy, it's been awhile since she's actually properly been happy" I turned to my work colleague and friend.

"She's got you as her mum, she's strong like you." Adam reminded me, I knew he was right; countless of people have told me that and I know they are all right but when it's your kid, your flesh and blood you can't help but worry.

"Thanks Adam" was all I said before Hank came out of his office with a photo, he stuck it on the whiteboard.

"Juliet Acres, 17. she was found with three bullet holes in her abdomen, she's in critical condition." Hank unformed the whole team about the teenage girl, I was speechless, I always hate when it's children or teenagers, it makes me think of Abi, think that it could have been her.

Abigail's POV

"Mum can I borrow your car please; I forgot my laptop and I thought about doing a essay tonight while staying with Hank, get the practice in for school" I asked mum as she left Hanks office; she was making sure it was still alright for me to stay over while she goes on a date with Kelly Severide, I knew she liked him, but I know she was happy with Jay, I know they both like each other but I also know that because they are partners it wouldn't be a good thing for them to date and be together.

"Go on; be careful" mum walked to her desk and threw me her car keys

"I'm always careful mum" I grinned happily as I took the legs and grabbed my leather jacket and threw it on. I didn't tell mum the full truth as to why I wanted to borrow her car; yes I wanted to get my laptop but I just needed some time on my own which wasn't the best idea with a rubbish frame of mind; with the thoughts I had been having.

"You okay?" I saw Nadia mouth to me as I began walking towards the stairs of intelligence, I nodded slowly and made my way down the stairs. I left the gate from intelligence and left the district straight away. I unlocked mums car and climbed into the drivers seat before putting my seatbelt on and putting the key into the ignition before turning it and starting the engine; I placed my hands on the steering wheel and took a deep breath, I've not drove myself anywhere since I left Drew's apartment to go to the district, why was that bothering me so much.

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