Change In Plans

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When the commander was finally dragged into the now empty mess hall Belfast sat him down as the others walk over to him.

"What is the meaning of this?" Commander Tran asks.

"Since you were so absorbed into your work that you weren't caring about your own health, we decided to intervene." Belfast replies. "You've lost so much weight that it would be dangerous if you lost more, and you've been scaring the researchers with how hard you're pushing for development. To put it in a HE shell, you've been destroying yourself ever since you got defeated by the Crimson Axis, and we cannot allow that."

"But isn't that the reason why we should push to outdo them?" Commander Tran asks.

"Master, even the Crimson Axis is worried for your health." Belfast bluntly replies.

"Wait... The Crimson Axis?" Commander Tran asks, much more calm than before. "Are you sure  you aren't making this up?"

"You must have not noticed because you were so focused on trying to sink them that day." Belfast replies.

"You were aiming at spots where you claimed there were enemy ships, and all we saw was clear water." Saratoga adds. "And you looked outright delirious."

"Commander, we're all worried about you." Lexington says. "Yes, we suffered defeat because we're a little behind on our tech, but there was no reason for you to spiral down into... This. You nearly fell off the flagship because of how horrible you looked."

"I've never seen that side of you before." Pennsylvania says. "Was that something you held back from talking about with us?"

"I was afraid that it would make all of you worry too much about me, and well... This is exactly what I feared was going to happen." Commander Tran replies.

"Commander, there was no way we weren't going to notice and NOT do something about it." Arizona says. "Why did you even do all of this anyway? You looked like you were ready to hold the admiralty at gunpoint when you thought of the research lab."

"I'm not about to lose you girls." Commander Tran replies. "You girls have been with me ever since I became commander, and if I'm being honest, you are some of the few that I've been able to confide in. I'm not about to see you sink in battle and after what I witnessed that day, how fast my flagship got blown up, I was not about to let that happen to any of you. I was going to work myself to death if it meant a way to avert that."

"Master..." Belfast trails off, not really knowing what to say.

"I've lost many loved ones, and I've had a rough past that's been shadowed by my reputation. Most people that know me only get to know the cool me. They don't get to know that dark side that plagues me in my nightmares and when I'm alone." Commander Tran continues. "And if I'm being honest, before I joined, I was fighting with myself for my own life. If it hadn't been for meeting and getting to know you girls, I probably would have resigned myself to a suicide attack and ended it all fighting a long time ago." That's when Enterprise walks over and gently rests a hand on the commander's shoulder.

"Have you already forgotten about what you've done for me?" Enterprise asks.

"Enterprise?" Commander Tran asks. "Of course I remember."

"Hmm?" Belfast asks.

"He was the one that reached out when I was in a time like this." Enterprise explains to Belfast. "I had it a lot worse when I nearly lost Hornet and Yorktown here."

"We probably spent at least a few years going under intensive repairs and they weren't sure if we were going to make it." Yorktown adds.

"Being the only other one under his command he witnessed before his eyes just what I was doing to myself. I still remember his words that brought me out of my trance, and I was forever in debt to him. I guess it's time for me to repay that favor." Enterprise chuckles.

"Why don't you save that for after he eats?" Dido calls out as she and Newcastle emerge with the commander's lunch.

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