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"Hey, Steve. It's Rhodey. Again. Just checking in."

"Rogers! It's Danvers. I was hoping I'd run into ya... maybe next time."

"I know a song that gets on everyone's nerves, everyone's nerves, everyone's nerves, and this is how it goes! I know a song that gets on everyone's -- Pick up if you're annoyed because I can do this for-ev-er... Alright, I guess you're busy doing whatever the hell you're doing out there. Just hope you're doing alright. Your favorite niece misses you. So, call us back. Pepper, Morgan... me."

"Was hoping you'd pick up for me... Gotta do laundry sometime."

Click. With the last voicemail ending, Steve shoved his Stark Phone into his pocket and swung his leg over his motorcycle. Both feet steady on the curb, Steve looked up at the house. For a moment, wondering what it looked like before. Glancing to his left and right, Steve wondered what this abandoned suburban street was like before. Wondered if kids freely rode their bikes and cheerfully shouted the way kids do.

Did. The world was more somber now.

Taking in a grounding breath, Steve headed up the steps. It was a long shot that she'd still live here. But it was worth a shot. And Steve was far past desperate. He would go to the ends of the earth and track down even the smallest of tips if he even thought that it might lead to something. Which, was what he was doing, he guessed.

Straightening his posture, Steve lifted his hand and knocked on the paint chipped door. His heart pounding as he waited. The seconds stretched on for what felt like hours. Deciding to knock one more time. If no one answered, he'd...

Well, he didn't really know what he'd do. Probably track down Clint the way Rhodey had been doing. Which Steve really didn't want to do because he honestly wasn't sure what he'd do if he was around Clint. To think that the first thing the man did after losing his family was to go on a five year long murder spree. Sure, Steve was dealing with his own pent up anger, hurt, and frustration at the situation, but he wasn't --

"Hello?" A teen girl cautiously opened the door.

"Hi," Steve fixed one of his USO stage smiles on his face, briefly wondering if it still worked even with the beard, as he informed, "I'm looking for a Ms. Cassie Lang. I was wondering if she still lived here."

Opening the door a little more and holding her head high, she confirmed, "I'm Cassie. Who are you?"

"Steve Rogers," he introduced himself.

"Steve Rogers, as in, Captain America?" Cassie asked, suspicious but also curious.

Steve nodded his confirmation and held out his hand to further the greeting, "I knew your father." At that, Cassie clenched her jaw and blinked her tears away. Guiltily, Steve dropped his gaze as he tried to reign in his own anguish as he apologized, "I'm sorry for your --" taken "-- loss."

"It's... fine," Cassie reluctantly stated, as though repeating lines she had rehearsed. Of course, knowing how things were, she probably had repeated that very sentiment many times. Crossing her arms, she stated, "You already know that you're about five years too late to talk to him. So, if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here, Mr. Rogers?"

Straight to the point. Steve liked that. So, he admitted, "I was wondering if you might have some of his things."

"For what purposes, Mr. Rogers?" Cassie questioned, studying him.

"Steve," he kindly corrected. Shoving his hands into his pockets to seem a little less threatening, "Well, I know that he was working with Dr. Pym, and I was hoping that something could be used to help."

Her brow quirked, intrigued, "You think you might be able to do something?"

"I'm hoping I'll be able to try," Steve admitted. Realizing how silly he must sound since he doesn't know the first thing about quantum physics, he amended, "At least, it's worth a shot."

"No, I think you could be onto something," Cassie agreed, exiting the house and causing Steve to step back, moving out of the way. Glancing around as though she was making sure no one could hear her, she continued, "For years, I thought that there might be something in the storage shed. But I wasn't really, 'allowed' --" finger quotes included "-- to go there."

"Oh?" Steve asked as he watched her duck her head back into the house, reaching for something before tightly closing the door behind herself.

"Yeah," Cassie nodded, shoving her keys into her pocket, "So, you'll have to convince the guard to let you in."

"Wait," Steve called after her as she bounced down the porch steps. She whipped around to glare at him and Steve lowered his voice as he followed her, "What do you mean, 'Convince the guard?'"

"Exactly that," Cassie confirmed, crossing the lawn towards the curb where Steve's motorcycle was waiting. Gesturing towards the bike, she asked, "This yours?"

"Yes," Steve verified, watching as she swung one of her thin legs over the bike seat. Looking around suspiciously, Steve approached the Harley and asked, "What are you doing?"

"You're gonna need a partner," Cassie smirked. Patting the rest of the seat in front of her, she impatiently added, "Now, c'mon. We got a world to save and we can't waste another second."

Well, can't argue there, Steve couldn't help but agree.

However, just because he agreed didn't mean that he was completely irresponsible. Reaching into the bag on the back of his motorcycle, behind Cassie, he pulled out the helmet and passed it to her. When she gave it a quizzical look, Steve decided, "If you're coming with me, ya gotta wear the helmet. That's the deal."

Huffing out a puff of air, Cassie reluctantly took the helmet. Twisting her long brown hair into a messy form, she tugged the helmet on afterwards to secure it. Satisfied with her safety now, Steve mindfully straddled the bike's frame. Starting it up, Steve looked over his shoulder and warned, "Hold on!"

Only once the bike jerked to life did Cassie grasp onto Steve's waist, forcing Bucky's black bomber jacket to form to him just a little more. And as they started down the street, for the first time in half a decade, Steve Rogers had hope.

Not Without You: Book 1 (Canon-Divergence Stucky Fix-it-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now