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Materializing in a palace, Steve took a moment to glance around. Having absolutely no clue as to where he was or where he was supposed to go. Since it was a palace, Steve assumed that he was in Asgard. For a moment, he wondered if he had enough time to grab some of that Asgardian Ale, but decided that that wasn't going to help Thor's sobriety. So, he got back to the plan. Based off the diagram that Thor had drawn him, he was pretty sure he was heading in the right direction.

Then, he paused. Thor sat on the ground in front of a cell. Not the 2013 Thor, but the 2023 Thor with Mjolnir beside him. From inside of the cell, Loki sat close to the shimmery windowed wall. Thor sniffled and said, "I should've been kinder to you."

Loki, stunned into his silence, just sat there, listening. There was no malice. No mischief, and Steve wondered why Thor hadn't told anyone about talking to his brother. Of course, Steve hadn't told anyone about his goodbye to Peggy. And Steve felt gross for intruding on that moment, even if it was soon over as Rocket ran up to get them to leave. Sneaking down another passage, Steve took the long way around to Jane's room, leaving Mjolnir outside her door.

Taking in a deep breath, he mustered enough courage to rush into the room and inject the reality stone -- the Aether -- into the acclaimed astrophysicist. Steve was never particularly the best spy, but he still tried. Staying behind the petite woman and holding his breath as he used the tool Rocket gave him and shoved the prong into her back.

She screamed, and Steve wasn't sure if it was from shock or pain, but when she glanced over her shoulder at him, she looked angry. Downright livid, in fact. Spinning around and going to slap him. And she would've if Steve hadn't hit the Time GPS, sucking him back into the Quantum Realm.

Through time he quickly traveled once more. Making the mistake of opening his eyes. Instantly, he felt sick, and he reminded himself to talk to Shuri when he got back. Perhaps her team would be able to come up with something. Not that Steve wanted to time travel once all of... this was done, but it would be nice to have something for the odd headache and unfortunate nausea spell.

Popping up again on another planet, Steve took in the dark atmosphere in awe. Reds colored the sky with large, picturesque dark clouds blocked out the light. For a moment, Steve just looked around in wonder. Until something started climbing up his leg.

Kicking the small alien creature off his leg, Steve decided not to spend too long gazing at the sights. Instead, he took the small metal sphere out of his pocket and entered the temple. Hoping that there wouldn't be any booby traps as he crossed the area. A cylinder with an empty middle with laser lights, Steve reminded himself not to touch the light. Especially after Rhodey told him about it burning Nebula's hand.

Instead, gently, Steve tossed the sphere with the power stone into the light. Thankfully, it caught the sphere and sucked it into the center where it floated. Only giving it one more look over his shoulder before leaving the temple.

And with that out of the way, Steve removed the miniature spaceship from another pocket. Setting it on the ground, Steve pressed the button, letting the ship expand. Rocket told him that the coordinates were already loaded in. All Steve had to do was push a button and the ship would fly itself.

Thankfully, Rocket was right. The ship managed to fly -- and land -- itself.

However, as soon as it landed, and Steve climbed out of it, he felt sick. In his chest, Steve's heart raced while his palms turned clammy in his fingerless gloves. Overall, a sense of dread ran through his veins. Even before he turned and found two ominous stone towers.

"So, we meet again," a figure floated closer, "Steven, son of Sarah."

Gobsmacked, Steve nearly dropped to his knees. Slack jawed, Steve breathed, "Johann."

"I know what you're doing here, and I must decline."

Picking his jaw off the ground, Steve narrowed his eyes at the red face man, "You can. There's no reason to keep her when I'm returning the stone."

"Soul for a soul," Johann said, turning and floating off.

Steve clenched his jaw as he followed. Determined, he argued, "Exactly. This --" he held up the Infinity Stone "-- for her."

"That's not how this --"

"It could be," Steve refused to just let Natasha stay dead, "And I'm not leaving without her."

The briefest of smirks crossed the deep red, chiseled face. Steve wasn't going to let himself ease though. No, not until he had Natasha back. He meant it when he said that he wasn't leaving without her. He'd carve out Johann's heart with his bare hands and eat it, if he had to. Whatever it took, Steve was going to get Natasha back.

"Soul for a soul," Johann repeated, getting on Steve's last nerve.

Getting right in Johann's skull-face, not backing down as he held up the stone, "Soul." Then, keeping his eyes locked with Johann's, he tossed it over the cliff, "For a soul."

"Together, we would've been unstoppable."

Shaking his head, Steve corrected, "So far, nothin's stopped me yet. Not even you."

"We could've recreated the world in our view," Johann added.

Clenching his hands by his side, he refrained from tossing him over the edge of cliff. Then, a light shot down between the two rock towers and, there, Natasha stood. With furrowed brows, she looked at Steve, studying him while Steve's eyes filled with tears.

"Steve?" She questioned, cautiously walking towards the two men.

Steve crossed the space between them and didn't stop once he reached her. Instead, wrapping his arms around her and holding her close. Sniffling, Steve teased, "And you say that I make poor choices."

"You're impulsivity is questionable and misguided at best," Natasha answered, loosely wrapping her arms around his waist.

Wetly, Steve chuckled and gave her petite frame one more squeeze before pulling back. Just looking at her for a moment because he never thought that he'd be able to see his best friend again. Natasha must've realized that because she didn't push him away or mock him the way that she might've before.

Instead, Natasha allowed the nanobot time suit to cover her as she said, "Let's go home."

Not Without You: Book 1 (Canon-Divergence Stucky Fix-it-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now