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Just as Steve instructed, he was ready to leave by seven. To his surprise, so were Scott and Cassie. Even if Cassie was openly yawning and her hair was thrown up in a messy bun as she stood there still in her plaid pajama pants. And Scott didn't seem much better in his sleep rumpled shirt and his short brown hair sticking up in different directions.

But they had a long day ahead of them. Really, they had a long trip ahead of them. With Steve, it had been easier. Faster. He was able to travel longer with fewer stops. He could drive through a night if he needed to. With the serum, he could go longer without food and could still function at a higher than average level.

To be honest, Steve wasn't sure how to travel with non-enhanced individuals. It had been a while since he had to take into account normal human functions. About four and a half years, to be more exact. And even then, Natasha was more efficient than normal. Sometimes she acted more enhanced than Steve, himself.

"Do you think we can stop somewhere to get coffee?" Scott quietly asked, his voice raspy in his drowsiness.

"Coffee," Cassie confirmed, tapping the tip of her nose with her finger as one did during a game of charades. She clarified, "I need coffee."

While Steve made sure that the motorcycle was secure and the camper was correctly compacted, Scott asked Cassie, "You drink coffee?"

"I mean..." the teen trailed off, letting that be answer enough.

Once he was satisfied that the camper wouldn't be lost from the van, Steve headed towards the front and informed, "There's a diner about 30 miles from here that has good coffee."

"Anything closer?" Cassie yawned.

Steve smirked, "Sure, but it's not as good."

"I'll be picky later," Cassie reasoned, climbing into the van.

Turning his attention to Scott, Steve asked, "That alright with you?"

"Perfectly fine," Scott assured, climbing into the passenger seat next to Cassie.

Climbing in behind the wheel, Steve took the keys from Scott and started the engine. Instantly, a poppy song with a young woman singing started playing.

We're happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time
It's miserable and magical, oh yeah
Tonight's the night when we forget about the deadlines
It's time

Brows furrowed, Steve looked over at Scott. Happily, the man bobbed his head while he sang along, "'I don't know about you, But I'm feeling twenty-two. Everything will be alright, if you keep me next to you.'"

Glancing at Cassie, she mutely shrugged. Although the small smile on her face had Steve leaving the radio on as he pulled out of the field. Cautiously driving down the street and hoping that the trip back would be just as uneventful as it was there.

Although, if Steve was a betting man, he'd put money on it. As devastating as what Thanos did was, crime had significantly gone down. It was one of the main reasons why the world didn't need the Avengers anymore. Why Steve didn't feel as guilty about leaving the compound. Of going on this solo mission. Sure, he felt bad about leaving Natasha all by herself at the compound to carry the light load alone, but he knew that if Natasha really needed him, she'd call.

So, Steve strummed his fingers to the beat of the song. It might not have been what Steve had expected. But, as Steve was constantly learning, life didn't go as expected. At least this start was better than the one Steve had taken the first time around. Even if he wasn't used to the choice of music that his passengers seemed to know every word to.

Not Without You: Book 1 (Canon-Divergence Stucky Fix-it-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now